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Marduk's Fursona Avatar
Name:Marduk in Four Corners Offline
State:New Mexico
Species:Polar Bear
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:7465
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:3239
Distance: Miles
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Future Space for Blogs

Gate: hello there handsome, lovely photo you have 3236.8 days ago

About Me:
I guess this is where i talk about myself. Finding it hard to find the right words to do so though. I have been a part of the Fandom for 12 years now and have always been a pretty behind the scenes kind of fur not much one for making new friends or hanging out with anyone though i guess i am finally ready to change all that seeing as how i am making an account here. I am your pretty normal guy and enjoy playing video games and listening to music and reading but i also like getting out and doing outdoor stuff like swimming and camping. I work part time editing videos for a internet company and when its not enough i find odd jobs here and there to get me by as i seem to have a knack for being a jack of all trades. My fursona is your typical polar bear with glacier blue eyes the only real difference of him is a thicker patch of fur that is black that runs his belly and chest like a happy train and a small chin beard. I would like to make some friends and get to know some people so please send me a message and i will get right back to you. Hope to meet some of you awesome furs soon.

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