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Ollieottah's Fursona Avatar
Name:Ollieottah in Baltimore Offline
Relationship:Rather Not Say
Member ID:4460
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
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Soapyotter: noses Chirpchirpchirp! heyhey other otter! 3281.1 days ago

About Me:
Do I really need to fill this thing out? *flails and huffs* To much work! Fine if I must. I'm otter obviously, and I'm blue. That picture is my fursuit, no it's not one of those silly modified ones....

Anyways, yes I'm an old man, I'm 34.... I'll be in a nursing home before you know it! I've been in the fandom for a long time (since I was 17, you do the math) I'm mostly nice but do have a very snarky sense of humor so that leads people to think I'm an ass. I'm rather boring and mostly sit at home watching netflix or playing pc video games. Outside the house I'm up for most things.

Things to know about me other then I'm a fursuiter and a bit of a snarky asshole.... Now with bullet points!

I'm rather boring and just tend to sit at home a lot playing video games on my pc, or watching terrible sci fi shows on netflix/Amazon
I'm rather shy RL and not very outgoing.
I'm not much for parties or clubs and things like that because well, see the previous bullet point.
I'm a bit on the submissive side, but mostly a top (weird I know)
I have weird fetishes (what furry doesn't)
I'm an otter.
I'm blue.
I'm making you read bullet points.
Other things you might want to know because everyone wants to know about physical appearance, I'm about 5' 10" and 170 pounds, some of that is a spare tire around my mid section.

As for other stuff you weirdos are probably wondering. I'm in an open relationship, I'm mostly a top but can be bottom if the person isn't ... large (water mammals are water tight ;) ) I am mostly submissive so don't ask me to tie you up because I wouldn't know what to do after that. :P I am cut, and rather on the large side down there. No I'm not gloating or lieing, search furries extreme or xtube to find out ;)

I'm looking for local friends, friends with benefits drinking buddies and the like. Because of the responses I get I have to put this in here. I'm not interested in hanging out with 17 year olds, if you're not old enough to vote in the United States you may as well close this window now.

I am rather boring so there isn't much more to say about me. So if you're interested in haging out with a 30 something, horny, boring blue otter I may be able to help you want that. If that's not want you're looking for then I probably can't help much.

want to know more, send me a message. Want to chat? Want to see naked pictures? Fucking perv :D .

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