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Lili's Fursona Avatar
Name:Lili in Webster Offline
Species:Succubus. See bio for details
Member ID:15972
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5192
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SecondLife Name:LiliLeSuccubus
XBOX Gamertag:SexualNightmare

Future Space for Blogs

Zephyr Lustborn: Nice Bio! 3273.3 days ago
Morthos: Pleasure to have met you Lili. 3276.7 days ago
Lili: I made a Furaffinity, if anyone wants to add me! my user is Lililine 3277.8 days ago
Levius: welcome to furrtrax if you want to talk or kik look on my profile and ill be happy to help you out on any question you have :3 3278.1 days ago
Kali HoneyLips : waves a paw and murrs softly pleasure to meet you 3278.5 days ago
Jake: I'll be taking this wallginity, welcome to FurrTrax, enjoy your stay! 3280.3 days ago

About Me:
Ok guys, sorry I have been MIA but I'm so overwhelmed by kik messages and everything, since joining at least 7 new people message me per day and I can't do it.. My irl takes up a lot of time, so I rarely have time to sort through the dozens or so people
Who message me. I'm on second life now, so if you're every on and are in adult hub, go watch me dance :3

My name is Lilith, but you can just call me Lili. I am a succubus with feline features. Slightly folded cat ears and a long fluffy tail of black fur that glitters blue and purple. I also have large feathery wings that glow an iridescent purple. I have midnight blue thin spiral horns on my head, with black and purple shoulder length hair entangled around them, framing a face with silver eyes and plump red lips.
I am mated and have a 3 month old daughter.
I am into BDSM, however I am a dominant, and I never switch, just a heads up. But I'm looking for friends, mostly. I vape, collect tattoos, sing, write, draw, play video games, read, and eat (i'm an avid eater :P)

My character:
Personality- sadistic, dark, but only to those that cross her. She is friendly as long as she is respected. Has a dark past that has her riddled with PTSD, but hides it behind a controlled, dominant demeanor. Is not usually the first to draw blood, but has done it on occasion. Sarcastic and flirts with anything with a pulse, but that's to be expected with her species. Because of a bad past, she tends to latch onto people who are nice to her, and tends to talk a lot out of anxiety. Is very protective of her people, and will move mountains just to keep them safe. Loves her mate, a male Shiba Inu, very much, but since he is her sub, she has permission to play with other subs. Is picky about who she RPs with. Talks a lot about her daughter.

Anything else, just ask.

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