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Jazzmyne's Fursona Avatar
Name:Jazzmyne in Baton Rouge Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

Domination and Submission
Member ID:14686
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5100
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Future Space for Blogs

obsidian inari: hi 1747.7 days ago
Kifo: Just a fox here looking for friends (or more). w 3250.7 days ago
Scourge Foxtail: Hmmm....You seem like an interesting kitty. 3382 days ago
Źõęÿ: Hello 3387.6 days ago
Stormraven: hello there and thank you for stopping by 3395 days ago
Robert Silvermyst: Hello there. Quite a lovely feline. 3395.9 days ago
DJX: hi. how r u? 3410.5 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Welcome to FurrTrax. nwn 3410.6 days ago
Xenos: rolls around 3410.9 days ago
Kryslin: Hi I'm kryslin want to be friends 3411.1 days ago

About Me:
Hello all!! I'm new to the social site, and looking forward to making lots of friends!

So a little about myself, I love to party a lot, but can also balance reality to a point where it's comfortable for me and my life as one, I do love to yiff, but only if I get to know you first. Sorry for those who don't like that...you can't touch this for free. During YIFF I tend to be dom but I can be sub. I love to do Adventure RP and it has to be a paragraph or a decent amount of details! -blows kiss and meows-
My fursona is a Female Cat, that has the ability to summon Green flames to aid her in battle, but when she is badly hurt the Flames consume her, turning her into a Demon cat with uncontrollable Speed and Power. Once she calms down she won't remember what happen the moment she turned demon to the time she calms down.

Jazzmyne's background: *She wasn't always lust crazy. She was once a shy girl who wanted knowledge. So she wondered in to her fathers study and found a book, a book that gave you power for a cost. Once she opened it 1of the 7 sins consumed her and twisted her actions, mind thoughts and how she sees life. The sin of lust consumed her and in return she gained the power of fire, green fire, one with the power to take over another's mind and body with lust but only for a short period of time. But before the time is up she can decide if they die or not*

I love to have nothing but fun!

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