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Tendua's Fursona Avatar
Name:Tendua in Dallas Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

Gamer furs
Furries of Secondlife
Member ID:14487
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:4118
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SecondLife Name:Dizz Lesabre
PSN Name:Dizzie2k
XBOX Gamertag:Dizzie2k

Future Space for Blogs

About Me:
I'm a 33 year old large black fella,I'm looking for someone to share life and experiences with, people who actually wants a serious man/friend in they life who handles his business and makes sure his folks are loved,cared for and never feels neglected, then i'm that guy.

I'm a gamer,geek,movie nerd..i love computers and all that stuff..Im learning more about comics and anime as time goes by. i do attend anime cons, and gamer cons.. that's what i do when i'm not pushing myself at my job..Feel free to message me. i love a good conversation, the exchanging of ideals excites me to my core.

I'm going to put it out there.that i'm not THAT hardcore about finding a boyfriend or girlfriend right now..honestly..i really want to find people i can grow a bond with, and not have them get all possessive over me in a few days.. I'm tired of having to break someone's heart because i'm too nice and attentive. so.. i'm saying this now..I'm attentive to everyone that i find to be a friend, i look after my friends, i care about their problems to a point and i'm bluntly honest with my opinions but i will at least ask permission before dumping you with my opinion, and just because i care about you and care about how you are, "Does NOT!!"mean i am i in love with..trust me..if i ever did i'd let you know just as its growing to that point. I'm a nice guy..but like most people in this world i have my own set of hang ups, problems im working through, blah blah.ya know.

I don't mind clingy and I don't mind a little crazy but full cling and batshit insane.. no thanks.,I do mind that when it comes to serious matters, like taking care of yourself in someway, or taking actions to improve the quality of your life; that you handle yourself like an adult. What i mean is if you're like over the age of 21 and "like" to idle and not make moves to improve your quality of life, and sit around just complaining about how shitty it is, waiting and hoping someone or something will rescue you from your current existance,.... then i'll have a hard time talking to you with any kind of respect, harsh.. i know but. its not about what you have, but what you are willing to try and do.So I will do my best not to waste your time cause i know it sucks finding good people to click with. i don't mind just being friends but i take my "friendships" to heart, i love my friends, i respect my aquaintences.So hit me up if you're interested in chatting with me, or just curious in what the hell im talking about. Im seeking platonic friends as well as more.. btw. Basically my goal is to make new connections..forge new bonds and make some real bonds,

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