
Instant Message
Post ID: 704
Posted: 12-07-2015 20:09 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 12-07-2015 20:09 PM |
I'd totally use it!

Instant Message
Post ID: 706
Posted: 12-08-2015 06:11 AM IP: Logged |
Posted: 12-08-2015 06:11 AM |
Absolutely, maybe add in a little better notifications with it, as in, be able to answer messages on furrtrax with the IM and get notifications of comments / group activity ( kind of like yahoo messenger does with your emails)
Derek James Xanderfield

Instant Message
Post ID: 733
Posted: 12-12-2015 16:46 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 12-12-2015 16:46 PM |
OMG YES PLEASE! Can you make have that smooth ui like other messaging apps if it does happen?
Alana Rose

Instant Message
Post ID: 777
Posted: 12-23-2015 20:40 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 12-23-2015 20:40 PM |
Yes, I sure would be
I was born diffrent and as a furry, been one as long as I can remember. Don't have many friends but that don't stop me for reaching out to my own kind. I love making new friends and chatting with others like me.
%0 |
Vexis Lazuli Fokz

Instant Message
Post ID: 783
Posted: 12-24-2015 12:07 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 12-24-2015 12:07 PM |
I think it would be quite nice to see ^^
How can something So Enticing... Have such |
Daichi Talonsbane

Instant Message
Post ID: 788
Posted: 12-26-2015 13:31 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 12-26-2015 13:31 PM |
Sounds like an awesome idea!

Instant Message
Post ID: 848
Posted: 01-08-2016 23:41 PM IP: Logged |
Posted: 01-08-2016 23:41 PM |
Yes absolutely

Instant Message
Post ID: 849
Posted: 01-09-2016 03:09 AM IP: Logged |
Posted: 01-09-2016 03:09 AM |
Honestly considering the furrtrax gamma app is just loading the browser and opening the furrtrax website inside that when I hit 'open' on the app icon or the goole play listing open button, there shouldn't be any need to load ANY kind of app if the mobile browser is able to run like it does on android when on blackberry or ANY model of phone, no matter the 'OS'. Plus the reason some 'blackberry' is running android apps without issues is more and more of their phones, including this coming year's models, will be running android soon, if they aren't already, along with better conversion to the few higher power blackberry OS ran models. In fact in 2016 Blackberry is totally throwing out their own OS this year, and just putting the two models they plan on releasing this year under the Android ecosystem outright.
Your friendly neighborhood otterborg.

Instant Message
Post ID: 884
Posted: 01-12-2016 11:31 AM IP: Logged |
Posted: 01-12-2016 11:31 AM |

Instant Message
Post ID: 908
Posted: 01-15-2016 04:09 AM IP: Logged |
Posted: 01-15-2016 04:09 AM |
I'd enjoy an app like that
Posts 74 - 84