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Forums » Video Game Discussion » Worst game yoi have ever played

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Forums » Video Game Discussion » Worst game yoi have ever played

Instant Message
Post ID: 499
Posted: 09-01-2015 01:45 AM
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Posted: 09-01-2015 01:45 AM » Editted: 09-01-2015 01:46 AM
Aliens: Colonial Marines. Biggest let down. Ever.


Instant Message
Post ID: 502
Posted: 09-01-2015 02:21 AM
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Posted: 09-01-2015 02:21 AM

Destiny... for the Xbox One... but I still play it >.>


Instant Message
Post ID: 519
Posted: 09-04-2015 13:40 PM
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Posted: 09-04-2015 13:40 PM » Editted: 09-04-2015 13:41 PM
@Raider if destiny is the worst game you've played, you got off lucky xD the worst I've played is El shaddai for Xbox 360...wait no, I just remembered playing duke nukem forever quite awhile ago at a friends house.... wish I could un-see everything about that horrible mess


Instant Message
Post ID: 572
Posted: 09-24-2015 11:18 AM
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Posted: 09-24-2015 11:18 AM

Bubsy 3d

Ignis Agimaru

Instant Message
Post ID: 575
Posted: 09-26-2015 06:08 AM
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Posted: 09-26-2015 06:08 AM

The Simpsons Skateboarding for the PS2 - which my friend at the time gave me to keep. I guess he knew how bad the game was and gave it to me to suffer what he had to go through with that game, the bastard! Dx. Duke Nukem Forever as well, overhyped for 12 years and...yeah it was very crap.

Drake Skaletta

Instant Message
Post ID: 734
Posted: 12-13-2015 07:06 AM
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Posted: 12-13-2015 07:06 AM
Man I'd have to either go with denied ops. A buggy, twitchy mess of a first person shooter which me and my friend played together and tried to make a competition on how bad we could bug the game before it crashes. or ninja gingerbread man. A very plain and glitchy platformer that a friend got for me as a birthday gift. Because he didn't look up the game and thought it could be good.

Lupine Furmen

Instant Message
Post ID: 735
Posted: 12-13-2015 14:27 PM
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Posted: 12-13-2015 14:27 PM

That would have to be MINECRAFT. Biggest waste of my time and my HD space.



Instant Message
Post ID: 737
Posted: 12-14-2015 21:33 PM
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Posted: 12-14-2015 21:33 PM

frontlines fuel of war, didn't run on it's minimums (even if i was well above those minimums) and after six months when i did finally get to play it after buying a whole new OS i found it to be so poorly ported to pc that i wasn't surprised when kaos choked on their owe and only release as a primary dev. I mean seriously what sort of pc game releases with flying vehicles and no joystick support?


Instant Message
Post ID: 742
Posted: 12-15-2015 23:09 PM
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Posted: 12-15-2015 23:09 PM

Final Fantasy 13 and 13-2. 


Instant Message
Post ID: 759
Posted: 12-20-2015 02:39 AM
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Posted: 12-20-2015 02:39 AM

Probably Zelda 2: The Adventure of Lonk.

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