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Forums » Writers Corner » Populated Space the Continuation

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Post ID: 3307
Posted: 04-28-2024 18:05 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 04-28-2024 18:05 PM » Editted: 04-28-2024 18:07 PM

Computer responds “Program saved”


I say “Computer test array program for any anomalies.”


Computer responds “Testing …. Program tested negative for anomalies.”




I look at Squeaky and say “How are you doing with the injectors squeaky?”


“Done with array a1-a6 starting array b1 squeak squeak”


I respond “Then I will start on array b6”


I ask “How is the constrictor installation coming?”


Talzon replies “Almost done on the A array's we will be on the B arrays in just a few minutes.”


I respond “Good it wont take Squeaky and me long to complete the B arrays.”


A few minutes later I say “Okay B6 and B5 are done.”


Squeaky says “B1, 2, 3 and 4 finished. squeak squeak”


I say “Okay squeaky grab that constrictor and lets help them finish installing them.”


Talzon says “Only one more left to install.” As Zipper grabs the last one me and Squeaky step out of the way. They finish with the last magnetic constrictor.


I say “Computer begin engine startup sequence.”


Computer responds “Sequence will take twelve minutes to complete.”


I say “Computer open a com to the bridge.”


Computer responds “Com open”


I say “Captain the modifications are complete the startup sequence is started we will be able to take off in about fifteen minutes.”


Valesz responds “Nice work two hours just like you said.”


I respond “Even if the magnetic constrictors don't work we should be able to cruise at 5.7 and if they work as I am hoping we could reach 7xl, but this is only in theory. By the way Snowy a very nice landing you did.”


Snowy responds “Thank you.”


Valesz “When we take off we will keep an open com until the engines are proven.”


I respond “Agreed, since I have a few minutes I have something to go check on I will return to the engine room in about 7 minutes”


Valesz responds “Don't take to long you don't want to miss your new engines firing up”


I reply “I will be here in time I promise”


I exit the engine room and head for the cargo hold, when I get there … damn it Lakia never showed me the sequence … I head for the closest computer I activate the console “Computer release lock cargo hold level 8 authorization Alpha ,Gama, Omega 1011, Green”


Computer responds “lock released” I head back to the cargo hold and as I approach the door opens and I enter.


Celer says “Whats going on why have we landed?”


I reply “So that I could make some engine modifications, if they work we will get to Vivus a lot faster. I have the intelligence that I had ask Valesz to get for me so just as soon as the new engine modifications prove themselves I will be back so that we can start formulating this plan. But for now I need to get back to the engine room. I just wanted to come here and let you know what was going on.”



Celer says “Thank you for that.”


I say Sigrun do you know the sequence for this door ?”


He responds “Yes I do, but if you don't how did you get in?”


I respond “I will explain later but for now I need to get back and I still need to learn the sequence to lock and unlock this door. Would you please show me?”



He goes out the door with me and presses in the sequence and locks the door, I press the sequence again and the door unlocks.


I say “Thank you Sigrun, but I must hurry we are about to lift off. ” Sigrun enters the cargo hold and I lock the door behind him and head for the the engine room.


Just as I enter the engine room I hear the engines begin to start back up. The engines sound different than they did just before they shutdown. The hum is not as noticeable. I say “Is it just me or do the engines sound different?”


Squeaky responds “You're right they sound smoother and quieter.” I say “Computer what is the engine status?”


The computer responds “The engines are running at 100% efficiency.”


I say “ YES HE SHOOTS HE SCORES” Everyone looks at me, I say “Sorry, I just got a bit excited that's all.”


Valesz says “It's okay you have reason to be excited. None of these ships have ever ran at 100%”


I say “Captain when I was writing the subroutine for the new modifications I put in a couple of safety catches if the engines get to hot they will cut back by 20% or slow to 4.5xl and alert the bridge.


Valesz responds “I would rather have the engines cut back some than to keep running hot and breach.”


I say “Captain we are ready down here.”


Valesz says “Snowy take us up and lay in a course for Vivus 5.0xl”


I say “Snowy if you look there should be new icon on your control panel after the plasma reaches 10000 C + you can activate the constrictors with the new icon.”


Snowy responds “Very good … 2.7xl 4.2xl..5.0xl”


I say “Computer what is the full engine status including plasma temperature?”


The computer responds “Engine running at 100% ,core temperature 500 C , plasma temperature 18000 C”


I say “ok Snowy are you ready to engage the constrictors? Just as soon as Valesz gives the order to engage the constrictors stay ready to shut them down.”


Snowy responds “Ready.”


Valesz says “Engage constrictors.”


Snowy presses the button. All of the constrictors make a brief buzzing sound then go almost dead silent. Even the engine is quiet, if it weren't for the controls telling me it was running I wouldn't even know it.


I say “We are still here.” and a sigh of relief from everyone on the ship.


I say “Computer what is the full engine status including plasma temperature?”


The computer responds “Engines running 172% efficiency core temperature 695 Celsius, plasma temperature 32000 Celsius”


I say “Okay, lets increase speed slowly to 6.5xl and see what she does. Snowy please stay ready with the constrictor icon.”


Valesz says you heard him slowly to 6.5xl” Snowy “ 5.2xl .. 5.4 ..5.6..5.8..6.0..6.2...6.4..6.5xl”


I say “Computer engine status”


The computer responds “Engine running at 172% efficiency core temperature 718 Celsius” I say “I have done the calculations and at 6.5xl we will reach Vivus in about 2.5 days.”


Valesz responds “Paul you have done it again, you just never cease to amaze me.”


I respond “As far as getting this ship to go any faster I don't think that I can do any more for her. Although since we will be arriving 5.5 days sooner we might want to let Vivus know that we will be early.”


Valesz says “Let's surprise them”


I respond “Aye captain”


Valesz says “It's almost time for shift change if you would like …”


Drake says “Captain there is a Mantis ship on an intercept course at at our current speed they will reach us in 3 minutes.


Valesz says “Prepare for battle”


I ask “What is their ship's max speed?”


Valesz responds “About 4xl-4.5xl”


I say “If we can avoid a battle right now we should; computer “Display Mantis vessel”


The computer displays the vessel is on a tangent course”


I say “If we increase speed to 6.7xl we will fly by them and they won't be able to catch us”


Valesz says “Do it”


Stormy responds “Aye captain, 6.6xl 6.7xl”


I say “computer engine status”


“Engines running at 172% efficiency core temperature 724 Celsius”


Drake says “It's going to work. They are not going to catch us.”


I say “Hold speed for 15 minutes then cut the engines back to 6.5, I don't like running them this hot”


Drake says “They are firing a torpedo.”


Valesz responds “Lakia shoot that torpedo down”


Lakia responds “Firing lasers… torpedo destroyed”


Drake “We are now out of weapons range.”


I say “This goes against what I just said but do we have the ability to destroy that Mantis ship ?”


Valesz responds “Yes, we do.”


I say “As much as I hate to say it we need to destroy that ship , if they get word back that any ship can move as fast as we currently are then we will have a big problem.”


Valesz “I agree, Snowy take us about. Lakia stand ready Snowy be prepared for evasive maneuvers. ” Drake responds weapons range in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3..2..1...Valesz “FIRE.” Lakia fires weapons.


Drake responds “They have taken on heavy damage, their communications array has been destroyed and their engines disabled looks like there weapons are down too captain”


Valesz snowy take us around their ship. Lakia ready torpedoes target there engines …. FIRE” Lakia “Torpedoes away .”


Drake informs the Captain “The ship has been destroyed.”


Valesz ask “Katherine did they get any messages out?” Katherine responds “No messages were sent”


Valesz “Resume course 6.5xl” Valesz continues“As I was saying if you would like we can meet you in the cargo hold after shift change.”


I say “Sounds good I will have dinner ready for all of us. Valesz says “I was hoping you were going to say that.”


I say “Computer end communication.”


The computer responds “Communication terminated.”


I turn and say “Job well done I could not have done it with out you.”


They respond “ Thank you”


I say “I have work to do, if you will excuse me...”


Talzon responds “Go on your a mated male now.” .. and the three of them laugh.


I respond “I guess I am.” I smile and exit the engine room.


I start thinking about the unicorns and how they must feel after having to hide in cargo holds and things like that.. instead of going to the galley I head for the bridge. When I get there the door opens and I enter.


Valesz says “I thought that you were going to be making dinner.”


I respond “ I will, can I see you in the briefing room for a moment?”


Valesz responds “Yes , Lakia you have the bridge.” and we enter the briefing room.


I say “Computer seal door level 7” Valesz “What is this about?”


I respond “The unicorns , since we are going to expose them in a few days anyway why not let them have run of the ship. Most of us know that they are here already.”


Valesz responds “You have a good point. I don't see any harm in that happening. You have my permission.”


I reply “In that case lets make tonight a special occasion. Have everyone except those that know and you need, on the bridge. After we have introduced them we can return the shift back to normal.”


Valesz responds “Sounds like a good plan, but I have to ask what you mean by we are going to expose the unicorns in a few days ”


I respond “It is part of my plan but I still have a lot of details to work out.”


Valesz responds “I trust you. I know that you would not do any thing to cause harm to any of your friends.”


I reply “I know it sounds crazy but until we have a full plan I wouldn't want to go into any details that may or may not happen.”


Valesz replies “I understand. Shift is over in about 20 minutes are you going to have my dinner ready?”


I respond “Yes my love I will have your dinner ready for you in the galley. Computer release door”


Valesz wraps her arms around me and we embrace each other in a deep passionate kiss. We break the kiss.


I say “I need to go or I won't have dinner ready.” I turn and exit the briefing room I look at Lakia then Katherine and give each a quick wink then exit the bridge.


I quickly head for the cargo hold when I get there I unlock the door and enter I say “ I only have a minute, but I have a surprise for all of you, not as nice as more unicorns but tonight you will dine with the entire crew. I am going to start dinner now I will call for you in about 20-30 minutes.”


Sigrun says “Do you think that is wise?”


I respond “It will be fine I promise. I must go now I have a lot of work to do in a very short time.”


Celer responds “We will come when called.”


I reply “Thank you”


I exit the cargo hold. I run to the galley when I get there I fire up the grill. I start looking for cooking oil to oil the grill with but the only thing that I can find is a bottle of vinaigrette I think to myself it will have to do. I sprinkle the vinaigrette onto the grill and the aroma immediately begins to fill the room, while I'm waiting for the grill to heat up I start grabbing steaks. I grab three small steaks and nine large steaks Mikko walks into the galley,


I ask her “Can you help me prepare the galley for a full dinner I don't have enough time to do it myself.”


She responds “Yes I will help what do you need me to do, I need enough settings for everyone on the ship plus four more vegetarians.”


Mikko ask “how much time do we have to get this done in ?”


I reply “About 15 minutes. If you can manage it I would like the tables moved so there is a path to a table set for eight seven vegetarians and 1 dragon, that dragon will be Valesz”


Tiamat walks in and Mikko ask her to help as well. While they are working on moving and setting the tables I go back to making dinner. There is a very large salad bowl with a basic salad in it I grab a few other vegetables and chop them up and toss them into the bowl I grab the bottle of vinaigrette and start pouring it into the salad I mix it lightly just enough to get the vinaigrette all over the salad.


I set the bowl down and ask “Can one of you start dishing up the salad for the vegetarians while I begin cooking the steaks.” I grab a stack of plates and set them next to the grill then I start tossing the steaks onto the grill, as soon as I have nine on I quickly season them then immediately begin flipping the steaks and then season the opposite side. I start putting the steaks onto the plates and Mikko and Tiamat begin to place them where they need to go. I take the small steaks and do the same with them except I leave mine on just a little bit longer , I like my steak bloody but not quite raw either. As I pull the last steak off of the grill.


Valesz walks in and is seeing that the room has been set for the entire crew she says to me “How long have you been working on this dinner? There is no way that you have done all this in the last 20 minutes.”


Mikko says “ Tiamat and I have been helping and he was just starting when I walked in about 15 minutes ago.”


I say “Dinner is served my love.”


She responds “I guess you can have dinner ready in 20 minutes can't you. Very well then I guess it is time that I call everyone here.”


Valesz walks to a computer console and says “Computer open ship wide com.”


The computer responds “Com open.”


Valesz says “I request Everyone's presence in the galley immediately, with one exception I would like one volunteer to remain on the bridge. Valesz out. Computer end communication.”


The crew starts pouring into the galley.


I say “Everyone please take a seat at the side tables the center table is for our special guest.”


I can hear a few of them saying “Special guest, who can it be?”


The bridge crew is the last to enter I say Katherine and Lakia please sit here and here and I show them to the table to the left and right most seats.


I say “Quiet please.” and the room goes silent Valesz looks at me almost amazed that they got quiet so quickly for me.


I say “I will leave in just a second when I return I would like for everyone to show the utmost respect for our special guest. When I walk back through that door I would like for Everyone to kneel down while our guest make their way to the center table.” Everyone looks at me with a puzzled look. I say “Our guest is of nobility and deserves the treatment that I am asking of you. Each and everyone of you know that I wouldn't ask it other wise. Now if you will excuse me for just a couple of minutes, I will escort our guest here.”


I turn and exit the galley and go to the cargo hold when I get there the door opens.


I say “It is time.”


The unicorns eagerly follow me. On the way there I explain that I will enter first and they will enter with Celer and Dinos, then Sigrun and Alkippe. We quickly arrive at the galley.


I ask “Are you ready?”


Celer responds “Yes, we are ready”


I say “Very well then let's enter”


I walk into the Galley and the sound of everyone dropping to their knee echoes through the halls. Then as Celer and Dinos enter the galley I hear Squeaky in the back say “Uni....squeak Uni... squeak .. Unicorn” then a thud.


I turn and look and say “He just isn't one for any excitement.”


Then Sigrun and Alkippe enter. I escort the four of them to the table sitting Celer and Dinos in the center facing the room and then Sigrun and Alkippe to the outsides opposite Lakia and Katherine.


I turn and say “You may rise everyone. Now that everyone is here except for Talzon he volunteered to remain on the bridge. It is my pleasure to introduce these four unicorn but more than that, the lord of the unicorn Celer and his mate Dinos and whom a few of you know Sigrun and Alkippe.”


Every one takes a quick bow. Now that is done everyone enjoy your dinner.”


We hear a few voices in the background say “Who cooked my steak?”


Valesz responds quickly “You will eat that steak and enjoy it that's an order.”


Then in the background I hear “This steak is delicious, who cooked it ?”


We all continue eating our meal.


Celer says “Who made this salad I haven't tasted salad this good in a very very long time.”


I respond “Oh say about 2000 years ago?”


He replies “Yes that's about right. I remember now she was very good at preparing meals, as I recall Astarot enjoyed his steak as much as I am enjoying my dinner now.”


I say “How about after dinner we go to the pool and just relax on the deck maybe a quick dip.”


Sigrun responds “That sounds nice we haven't been able to enjoy something like that in a very long time.”


Celer says “ I agree, it feels so good not to be hiding in some dark corner.”


I say “If what I am planing works you won't have to hide from anyone any longer. But we can discuss that tomorrow morning.”


Celer “Agreed, let's just enjoy what we have tonight.”


I say “So Celer what can you tell me about my 400th generation grandmother?”


He responds “Well she was very kind and strong willed much as you are. Now that I really look at you, you have her eyes. They were the same blue green tint that you have. She was very energetic and willing to please. Although she had a bit of a temper at times. I remember one time we forgot to put out the cook fire, and she had such a fit about it. Her face turned a deep red and one blood vessel would stand out right here on her throat. I actually thought it was kind of cute, there were a couple of times I would do something just to make her mad so I could see it again. But in general she had a very good disposition about her.”


Just then Celer bumps his glass and the water quickly runs across the table and pours onto my lap. I say “YOU did that on purpose”


Celer says “Yes that's it, exactly as I remembered , even the blood vessel. I'm sorry I just had to do it I had to see that just one more time.” everyone laughs


“Damn you, that's not fair you already know how to affect me.”


Valesz responds “Finally I get to see someone affect you the way that you do me. I might be able to learn a few tricks from you Celer”


Celer responds “ I will show you where he is ticklish later.” then the bridge crew stands and approaches the table.


Drake steps forward and says “It has been our pleasure to dine with you, but we must return to our duties.”


Celer responds “Thank you for joining us in this occasion, and thank you Valesz for letting them have time from their duties to join us.”


Valesz replies “You are very welcome.”


they turn and head towards the bridge.


Valesz says to Katherine “Will you go to the bridge and lock out the communications array until we reach Vivus we are on communications black out. We will be going to the pool soon you can meet us there.”


Katherine responds “Aye Captain” and exits the galley. Just a few moments later Talzon walks in.


I say “Talzon come sit with us visit for a minute, while I prepare your steak. The one that I had made for you has gotten cold.” I stand and walk over grab a steak the grill is still warm so it won't take long to get cooking again. I sprinkle a little vinaigrette onto the grill I season the steak while I'm waiting for the grill to get hot again. I toss the steak on the grill wait just a few seconds then flip it wait a few seconds again and pull it off the grill and onto a plate. I turn off the grill take Talzon his steak and walk back to the grill and pour some cold water on the hot grill and quickly scrub the grill clean. Then I walk back over to the table and sit down.


Talzon says “I never thought that I would like a cooked steak but it is so flavorful I want you to teach me how to make it like this.”


Valesz says to Talzon “I know that you just got here. But I think that we are ready to go to the pool for a little while.”


Talzon replies “Don't let me stop you. I am enjoying this meal , I will return to my duties just as soon as I have finished eating.”


Valesz replies “That will be fine” and the eight of us exit the galley and we head for the Pool with Lakia and Katherine leading the way.


As we all enter the pool area , Lakia and Katherine waste no time and dive right into the pool everyone else sees this as an invitation and dive in behind them everyone except me , I wait for a minute just enough time for everyone to surface then I jump in folding my legs tight to my chest and hit the water with a big splash. When I surface Valesz, Lakia, and Katherine are waiting for me, I catch a single breath and they all push me back down. (you would think that I would learn that lesson) I quickly swim between Lakia and Katherine under water they are no match for me however, I am no match for Valesz I barely get past Lakia and Katherine, and Valesz has me by the waist I roll over in the water and pull her to me she wraps her arms around me and I give her a short kiss, but by this time I can't stay under any longer and must surface I am forced to push away from her and return to the surface. As I break the top of the water I gasp for air breathing deeply.


Valesz comes up right in front of me and again wraps her arms around me and says “Have I told you just how much I love you?”


I respond “Yes you have the night that you ask me to be your mate.” we embrace in a deep passionate kiss , she wraps her legs around me and then her tail, even if I wanted to move I couldn't. I gently break the kiss and ask Valesz “Do Lakia and Katherine know about the DNA testing that is being done on Vivus?”


She responds “I think that they are aware of it.”


I respond “Good enough let's go over by them I want to talk to them a minute about it.”


She replies “Okay.” Valesz releases me and starts swimming towards Lakia and Katherine I follow.


When we get to them I say “ I have an important question to ask you it is not something that I need an answer to right away, but I would like for you to think about it.” Katherine ask “What is it Paul?”


I respond “ I was informed about some DNA testing that the dragons are doing on Vivus to extend life spans. I would like to know if you would be willing to participate. You see my species don't live near as long as dragons. And from what I understand neither do yours. Well I have an option to take this DNA thing and possibly live as long as Valesz , but then if I do that by my self I will out live the two of you. Or not take it and then Valesz will be alone with out the three of us around, I have been thinking if we all do it well our little family will be happier for a much longer time.”


Lakia replies “That is defiantly something that we will have to think about.”


Katherine says “ I agree, it is something that needs to be though through.”


I reply “I don't expect an answer tonight. All I can ask of you is to think about it.”


Valesz says “Why don't the two of you go over by the unicorns and get to know them a little better.”


I realize what she was talking about the two couples are starting to have a good time, the unicorns have climbed up onto the deck and Sigrun is already fully erect with Alkippe stroking his huge member while Dinos is quickly working Celer to erection.


As Lakia and Katherine approach them they ask “ May we join?” Alkippe says “Yes come on in”


Dinos says “There's plenty to share.”


Lakia and Katherine both climb up out of the pool and sit next to the stallions I watch as Lakia takes hold of Celer's cock her hand doesn't quite reach half way around it she begins stroking that massive cock she leans over and starts licking on it like it was a lollipop. I look over at Katherine and she is sliding herself up and down the full length riding it like it was a fire pole now that I think about it he isn't that much smaller she is teasing him just letting her pussy barely touch one side of his cock while the other side is against his own belly then the mares simultaneously straddle their mates faces.


I hear Dinos say “Eat that pussy you big stud.” he waste no time and begins lapping eagerly at her wet pussy. Sigrun is seeing whats happening next to him and he reaches up and grabs Alkippe's butt and pulls her closer to his face and begins licking her probing his tongue in and out every now and then.


Seeing all of this is making me quite horny and Valesz takes notice and reaches down into the water and begins massaging my cock and says “Oh look what we have here … looks good enough to eat.” she submerges and quickly engulfs my cock into her mouth. I can feel her wrapping her tongue around my cock. It feels so good my knees collapse out from under me.


As I regain my stance I say “Maybe we should get out of the water”


She responds “That might be a good idea.” while I am climbing out of the pool I see that both Lakia and Katherine are riding their stallions taking more than I thought that they could they both are taking them to the hilt. Riding them like the stallions that they are. Lakia has leaned forward and reaching around Dinos squeezing her perky breast making her moan in pleasure or it could be that Celer has his face buried deep into Dinos's pussy Valesz comments “ I have never seen Katherine take so much cock before she must really be enjoying that.


I respond “It looks like they all are enjoying themselves.” then I say “Oh look Lakia is trying to … oh her tail found its mark.” She is now buried deep in Celer's ass.


I say “I need to thank you for helping to prepare me for my first male encounter”


She responds “Your welcome, but I think I enjoyed it as much as you did. Feeling your ass clench tightly around my tail just does something for me, it really turns me on.”


I reply “ I really didn't think that I would enjoy it that much but now that I have had the experience. I really enjoy it, feeling your tail flick around inside of me .. I don't have a word to describe it.” she rolls over and pulls her knees under her holding her ass up in the air.


She says “Fuck Me!” I position myself behind her and slide my cock into her she wraps her tail around me pulling me deeper into her and says “I said FUCK ME!” I reach up and take hold of her hips and begin driving myself into her hard pushing in as deep as I can go. She moans in pleasure I pick up the pace fucking her even harder and I feel her pussy clench my cock hard, she throws her head up in the air and lets out a scream (its not quite a scream but more of a combination scream / howl) as her orgasm subsides she says “Now that your good and wet I want you to show me how it feels” and she raises her tail.


I pull out and gently guide my cock to her tight ass. I push but she is so tight I end up pushing her forward. She says “Try again.” so I lean back and she comes back to me and I push again but this time she thrust back shoving the head of my cock into her tight ass. She pushes back again taking about half of my cock in a single push. She curls her tail around me and quickly finds her mark and she thrust her tail into me.

She thrust her tail again and pushes back at the same time she takes me all the way in I can feel my balls slap up against her wet pussy and her tight ass clenching my cock. I slide back a little knowing that if I try to come to far out we will have to start over. Then I push back in. It is a little easier this time. I pull about half way out and back in again. Feeling her tight ass is making me want to cum so bad but I want this to last a while so I relax and take it slow I pull back leaving just the head of my cock in her then I push back in. Her ass is becoming use to my intrusion it is much easier to thrust into her now, so I begin pumping in and out of her thrusting my cock deep into her tight ass. While she is doing the same to me with her tail as I begin to follow the rhythm and pick up speed pounding her ass harder and harder she throws her head up again and lets out another scream I bury my cock deep into her I push as hard as I can. I feel her pussy trying frantically to clench down on a cock that isn't there and then I can feel her cum squirting my balls as her orgasm subsides again.


She says “Now its your turn and she leans back pushing me back and she says “fuck me , I want to feel you cum in my ass.” and she thrust her tail deep into my ass that almost sends me over the edge but I again relax just enough to hold back my own orgasm. I begin thrusting into her again faster and faster, I am now pounding her ass with my hard cock I can feel her beginning to orgasm again and she thrust her tail into me again but this time I can't stop it I push my cock as deep as I can go into her tight ass and then she thrust her tail into me again raising my orgasm beyond the limits. I begin filling her ass with my seed my cock pulsing and throbbing as I shoot my cum into her load after load. I feel as if I'm never going to stop cumming. But finally my own orgasm begins to subside and I collapse onto her back.


She says “Fuck that was wonderful I don't know why I never tried that before.”


I say “Perhaps you were just waiting for some one like me to come along.”


She replies “There is no one like you my love.”


I finally regain enough strength to lift myself off of her and I lay down next to her on the deck and I say “And there is no one like you either my love.”


Valesz says “Okay everyone we need to get up. We can all sleep in my quarters tonight.”


I say “I think I want to get a shower before I go to bed.”


Everyone agrees. We all get up and head for the shower. On the way out I stop at one of the fruit trees and pick one of the fruits that Katherine selected. I take a bite and say “ Delicious”


Katherine says “I thought that you would like it.” I finish it before we start the showers . Celer says “ I told you that I would show you something.” and he reaches out and grabs my hip and squeezes slightly. It tickles and I jump back towards Valesz then


She says “Right here!” and squeezes my hip too I jump again and say “Okay okay that's not fair you know more about me than I do.”


Everyone laughs. Then we all start our showers. I step into the shower with Valesz and start scrubbing her back.


She says “Be careful you might get something started again.”


I reply “I'm to tired to even think of trying to start something.”


We quickly finish our showers and I am the first to step out. I grab a towel and toss it around my shoulders and begin handing towels out to everyone as they turn their shower off. Everyone gets dried off and we head for Valesz's quarters. When we get to the bedroom I say “Would you mind turning on the holographic emitters? I do enjoy going to sleep with it on”


She responds “Not a problem love.”


I crawl in the center of the bed. Valesz turns on the holographic emitters to the storm setting and crawls in next to me. Lakia gets in on the other side of me and Katherine on the opposite side of Valesz then Sigrun and Alkippe next to Katherine and Celer and Dinos on the opposite side of the bed. I look into Valesz's golden eyes and say good night my loves while caressing Valesz's face with my hand.


She puts her arm across me and says “Good night my love” and we all drift of into a blissful slumber.


                                                                          End chapter 12

Editted by Admin Unic0rn69


Instant Message
Post ID: 3337
Posted: 05-04-2024 18:19 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 05-04-2024 18:19 PM

do we have another update?



Instant Message
Post ID: 3361
Posted: 05-27-2024 18:52 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 05-27-2024 18:52 PM

i guess we wait lol



Instant Message
Post ID: 3386
Posted: 06-11-2024 19:04 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-11-2024 19:04 PM

is there an update in the near future?



Instant Message
Post ID: 3400
Posted: 06-24-2024 17:41 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-24-2024 17:41 PM

There is plenty more i just haven't had time to do any posting, i barely have time to pop in every couple of days, i have been spending my free time re-working the story and just finnished chapter 59 and starting on 60

To Niegh or Not to Neigh

Instant Message
Post ID: 3401
Posted: 06-24-2024 19:03 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-24-2024 19:03 PM

ok just checking lol making sure it wasnt dead in the water lol



Instant Message
Post ID: 3405
Posted: 06-30-2024 15:33 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-30-2024 15:33 PM » Editted: 06-30-2024 15:36 PM

                                                                                                                                   Chapter 13

{{{I'ts a short one  but there will be more soon.}}}


I awake from my sleep and find that everyone is already gone. I think that they are already up and perhaps making breakfast as before , so I get out of bed and go into the main room but no one is there.


Maybe they have gone to the galley to make breakfast, so I head down to the galley to see if they are there. Walking down the corridor I see no one else on my way to the galley. When I get to the galley there is no one there either. There is usually some one there eating or just sitting enjoying a drink.


Maybe they have gone to my quarters to make breakfast there since I keep food in my quarters. I head down the corridor towards my quarters when I get there my quarters are just as empty as the rest of the ship.


Maybe Squeaky and Zipper know whats going on so I head for the engine room. Since my quarters as close to the engine room it doesn't take me long to get there, I quickly climb down to the first level but there is no Squeaky or Zipper to be found. While I am here I decide to check the engines real quick. I say “Computer what is the engine status” the computer responds “the engines are not operating.” ok now I am really starting to get quite concerned. “where the hell is everyone.”


I decide to head down to the cargo hold and see if the unicorns are there. I head down the corridor when I get to the cargo hold I press the combination that Sigrun had showed me and the door opens , revealing the corpses of all four unicorns blood every where I run into the room to make sure if there is something I can do maybe they are still alive maybe I can save them, but when I enter they are completely motionless all I can do is hold their motionless bodies.... I swore that I would protect them with my life, but I was unable to do so they are all dead .


But what of everyone else what of my mates, I must find them …. so I turn and start running for the bridge. When I get to the nearest lift pad I take to to the top level. I run from there all the way to the bridge. When I get there the door is locked


I say “Computer emergency override bridge door open authorization alpha gama omega 1011 green” the door opens. Revealing the entire bridge crew had been murdered in the same fashion the unicorns had been, there was blood every where the first that I seen was Drake then I begin looking around and see the others Snowy, Talzon, Adelind, and Tiamat. Again I swore that I would protect them all with my life, but what the hell has happened here every one was murdered in a most brutal manner their bodies were strewn all over the deck blood every where there was a battle here but who and why …. why couldn't I be there to defend my friends.

But where is everyone else where are my mates , Valesz, Lakia, and Katherine . Then I realize that there are sounds coming from the briefing room.....








I turn and head for the briefing room and that door is also locked . I say “ computer emergency override briefing room door open authorization alpha gamma omega 1011 green”


The door opens. Revealing Lakia and Katherine laying on the floor with Jalad standing over Valesz just as he plunges his blade into her chest . I scream out her name “Valesz” Jalad runs out of the room leaving me alone with Valesz, I run to her kneel by her and hold her, she coughs up some blood. And she says “I love you.”


I look into her eyes and say “ I love you too. I'm sorry that I wasn't here to protect you my love.”


She says “You must take care of Jalad and continue the mission there are more unicorns out there and they need to be free.” she collapses in my arms. “I will my love , I will avenge you and bring the unicorn back to populated space.” I gently lay her on the floor “ I look around there is a case with a dragon blade hanging on the wall with a small plaque with a name etched on it it reads “Astarot Unridoor a great warrior.” I smash the glass and take the Blade. The blade begins to glow a bright blue white. I head out in search of Jalad. I begin walking back to the rear of the ship checking doors on my way towards the engine room.


When I get to the rec. area still no Jalad when I finally get to the engine room I find Jalad he quickly draws his blade when he see's that I have the dragon blade he says “That's impossible that blade has only ever shown for one other and that was Astarot”


I respond “You have killed everyone WHY ? I want to know before I kill you.”


Jalad says “That sword is more proof that you are an abomination and must be eliminated. I can not have you mating with other species and eliminating all other species YOU must be destroyed.”


Jalad lunges at me with his blade, I turn and evade the strike I wield the blade as smoothly as a wind mill spinning in the wind. The dragon blade cuts his blade in half. The tip falls to the floor he backs up and and moves back in for another strike he makes contact with my weapon hand cutting my hand deeply forcing me to drop the dragon blade, he swings again and cuts my shoulder, then while I'm down on my knees just as he lunges I feel the cold metal blade enter my chest …


I wake up and everyone is still in bed, feeling me stir Valesz wakes up and says “What's wrong?”


I reply “I'm sorry my love I didn't mean to wake you I was just having a bad dream is all.”


She says “Lay back down.” and I comply she wraps her arms around me and says “It was just a dream my love it's all right.” she kisses me and we drift back to sleep.



End Chapter 13


Editted by Admin Unic0rn69


Instant Message
Post ID: 3406
Posted: 06-30-2024 19:35 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-30-2024 19:35 PM » Editted: 06-30-2024 19:38 PM

                                                                                                          Chapter 14


As I wake from my slumber Valesz is still sleeping peacefully next to me. I crawl gently out of bed, just as I exit the bedroom Valesz stirs slightly but does not wake up, I turn and head for the galley after all of those breakfast that they have made for me its my turn to have breakfast ready for them.


When I get to the galley Mikko and Tiamat are enjoying a meal they both greet me “ Hello Paul”


I respond “Hello, how are you doing this morning?”


Tiamat replies “Good, how are you and the unicorns doing this morning?”


“I am fine, and the unicorns are still sleeping. I am making breakfast for every one this morning.”


Mikko replies “That is so sweet.”


Tiamat says “Don't let us stop you from your mission.”


I reply “Thank you” I proceed to the steaks and look for a small steak and a large steak. I find the ones that I am looking for and place them on a plate. Then I grab a large bowl and fill it with salad and a few other vegetables I chop them up and put them into the salad and add a light coating of vinaigrette to the salad, then I put a little of the salad dressing on the grill and begin it heating up. I season the steaks and then place them on the grill I quickly flip Valesz's steak leave it there for just a few seconds then pull her steak off the grill, then flip mine. I leave it there for just a minute then pull it off the grill as well, I turn the grill off grab the salad and some bowls and head back to Valesz's room.


When I get there everyone is already up and sitting in the main room, Lakia and Alkippe jump up and say “Let us help you with that.” Alkippe takes the salad and bowls and Lakia takes the two plates with the steaks.


Valesz stands and comes up to me and gives me a kiss and says “Good morning my love.”


I respond “Good morning.”


I gesture for her to sit down and she does. I take my seat next to her as I sit I say “ I know that I can trust everyone in this room so after breakfast unless you have other plans. We can start working on the plans to take care of the Mantis. Any ideas that you may have while planning will be welcome.”


Valesz replies “We don't have to be on the bridge right away so that would be fine.”


I watch as Celer, Dinos, Sigrun, and Alkippe all begin to eat their salad, as I notice that everyone is enjoying their meal I begin to eat my own. I begin thinking about the plans to take care of the Mantis. We need to find a world that is suitable to sustain life and be fairly close to a nebula or something that can mask a fleet of ships. As I take my last bite of my steak, I stand and walk over to the Viso screen and press a couple of buttons, and the Viso screen lights up.


I say “Computer access file PC0001 Alpha Gama Omega 1101 Green.”


The computer responds “File accessed.”


I say “Display statistical data on Mantis ships and troops.”


the Viso screen quickly fills with numbers and information ...


Mantis Battle ships 2000 each carrying 500 short range fighters.

Mantis troop ships 1500 each carrying 20,000 troops

Mantis destroyers 4 each capable of destroying a planet


Mantis battle ships top speed of 4xl fighters top speed 1xl but usually only use sub-light speeds.

The battle ship has 10 laser turrets and 10 torpedo launchers and can carry up to 50 torpedo's for each launcher


Mantis troop ships top speed 4.5xl each has 6 laser turrets and 4 torpedo launchers and can carry up to 10 torpedo's for each launcher


Mantis destroyers top speed is 2xl and has 4 laser turrets and 4 torpedo launchers and can carry up to 25 torpedo's for each launcher its primary weapon is a pulsar beam when activated super-heats the core of a planet until the planet explodes, this process takes approximately 14 minutes but varies from planet to planet depending on the size and the density of the core.


Valesz says “Thats 1,000,000 fighters and 30,000,000 troops , how do you expect to fight a force that size?”


I respond “That is why we are here to formulate a plan to do just that. But my basic plan is to get them all to one place and have a force that can and will annihilate them, of course we will need help and I have a few other ideas and we are here to discuss all of the options.”


Sigrun says “How do yo plan to get them all in one place?”


I respond “YOU !!!! or more to the point the idea of you. I am thinking that we will expose the Unicorn in the very near future, with the media and tell the media that there is a large colony of Unicorn near the Fox Fur Nebula in the constellation Monoceros (translates to “the unicorn”) there we will hide our fleet in the nebula and wait for the Mantis to attack, at witch time we will surprise them with our own attack and wipe out their forces.”


Celer Says “That sounds fine but where do you expect to get the forces to attack the Mantis?” I look at Celer and say “Take a look around you in this room what do you see ?”


He responds “ I see eight of us from 5 different species.”


I say “That's correct but more than that we are different species that have all learned to live together in harmony hell I now have three mates each a different species do you think that matters to me. Maybe at one time it might have but I have grown past that. I intend to unite the worlds of all of populated space, if we all work together we can rid ourselves of this common foe. Then and only then can the Unicorn begin to thrive again.”


Celer replies “If your plan fails then the Mantis will destroy every planet they come to that supports life like ours.”


I reply “I didn't say it was without risk there will probably be lives lost in the battle, but isn't freedom worth dying for? Was it right for the Mantis to destroy the Unicorn home world just because that you can teleport.”


Celer replies “Yes and no. It seems that you have made your point quite clear and are intent on riding the galaxy of the Mantis”


I say “That is not my only goal I intend on making this quadrant a safe place for everyone to live by uniting Populated space, I can accomplish that goal.” Just then the Viso screen chimes


Valesz Says “Computer open com” the Viso screen switches to a visual from the bridge it's Snowy


She says “Captain I hope I'm not disturbing you but we just got an incoming message that there was a Mantis spy caught on the Equine home world they say that he was a member of the engineering team for the ship yard for the last eight years , and that he was surgically and genetically altered to appear as an equine.”


Valesz responds “Thank you Snowy.” Valesz continues “Computer end transmission.” the Viso screen returns to the statistical report.


I say “I was starting to wonder if something like that was the case.”


Valesz says “What are you talking about?”


I reply “When I was working on your fathers ship I noticed that the engine was almost exactly offset the same as this ship, I was going to wait until that I had a chance to do another one but now I don't have to. The equine have already discovered their spy.”


Sigrun says “What if there are others disguised as other species?”


Valesz responds “Perhaps we can do something about that. Katherine go to the infirmary and unlock the communications array and have doc contact some of his friends on the equine home world and see if he can do some kind of test to reveal any spy's.”


Katherine says “Aye captain, I will return shortly” and Katherine walks out the door and heads towards the infirmary.


Valesz says “Computer open com to the bridge” The computer responds “Com open”


Valesz says “ Slow to 3.5xl.”


Drake responds “Aye Captain.”


Valesz says “Computer end transmission.”


The computer responds “Transmission terminated.”


Alkippe says “If I may why did you slow the ship down?”


Valesz responds “Because with a communication going out that will make tracking us just that much easier and we don't want anyone knowing that we can go that fast, at least not just yet.”


Alkippe replies “Thank you for answering my question.”


Valesz replies “Your welcome.”


Meanwhile at the infirmary


Katherine walks into the infirmary and calls out for the doctor “Doc you in here? Are you awake yet?”



She hears Attor's response “Just a second.”


Then he comes walking out of the office “What seems to be the problem are you injured?”


She replies “No doc I'm not hurt, but Valesz ask me to have you contact some of your friends on the equine home world and see if there is a way to detect a mantis spy.”


Attor responds “ Mantis spy … what are you talking about?”


Katherine responds “I'm sorry they have caught a spy on the equine home world and they say that he was surgically and genetically altered to appear as an equine.”


Attor replies “Oh really, I think I know just the one that I need to talk to then. Doctor Aeton

he is one of their foremost geneticists he will have the answer if there is one.”


Katherine walks into the office and presses a button on the Viso screen then says “Computer release communication lockout authorization doe beta 1 red.”


The computer responds “Communications unlocked.”


Katherine says to Attor “You might want to do this on a secure channel.”


Attor replies “Sure thing... computer open a secure communication link to the equine home world to the genetics lab Trinidon.”


the computer responds “Link established connecting … . . . connected.”


A voice says “Hello you have reached Trinidon labs.”


Attor responds hello this is Doctor Attor I'm trying to get in touch with Doctor Aeton .. code black.”


The voice responds “Just a minute I will transfer you to his office. He just checked in about 15 minutes ago so he should be in there by now.”


beep beep beep ….... then Doctor Aeton answers “Hello this is Doctor Aeton.” Attor responds “Hello Aeton how are you doing this is Doc Attor.”


Aeton responds “I'm doing good and how are you doing? Last I heard you were aboard a cargo ship.”


Attor responds “Yes actually I still am... are you on a secure line?”


Aeton replies “Hang on a second. … click beep .. ok it is now..”


Attor says “Good I can't go into any real detail but I need to know if you have been involved in the spy incident, and if there is a way to detect if someone is a spy.”


Aeton replies “Actually I'm working on that as we speak. I should have an answer for you in just a minute the computer is almost finished with the results.” Then they hear the computer beep in the background


Doctor Aeton says “Since I'm already on the com with you, you will be the first to get the results, I can't imagine why you would need this information but you ask for it. I'm transmitting the DNA skew now ..”


Attor responds “Thank you, now I am going to transmit another DNA skew back to you, you will find that there is an unknown skew embedded and if you want to find out more about it you will have to come to Vivus.”


Doctor Ateon replies “I have some vacation time I will be there asap.”


Attor replies “There will be a cargo ship there soon I would suggest that you catch a ride with them the ships name is the Lamri her captain is Captain Nidhug Unridoor.”


“You mean the one that just did the ceremony for … what was his name … Paul?”


Attor responds “Yes that's the one .. Paul Curtis, Valesz, Katherine, and Lakia.”


Aeton replies “That was one hell of a fight. I especially liked the ending I was watching it with my secretary and well lets just say we had a fight of our own.”


he pauses looking at another monitor then continues “I'm looking at that DNA you sent that's human, dragon skew isn't it I didn't realize that someone was already working with that combination. But what is this skew here even the computer don't have that DNA on file and the computer has DNA collected from the last 250 years. I would think that we had every DNA there was.”


Attor “Like I said if you want to find out in person get on that cargo ship.”


Aeton ask “What is he hauling ?”


Attor responds “Food products.”


Aeton very well I will look up his arrival, and book passage.”


Attor “Very well I will see you soon.”


Attor Says “Computer end transmission.”


The computer responds “Transmission terminated.”


Katherine Says “Computer lockout communication's array outgoing authorization doe beta 1 red.”


Katherine says “Now that you have that DNA can you use it to check for Mantis spy's?”


Attor responds “Yes I have enough Mantis DNA do run test since I just did some testing on a lot of the crew, I won't have to test everyone. I can cross the test that I have already done and then get everyone else to come in for further testing.”


Katherine says “Good I will inform the Captain you have what you need. Thank you.” and she heads out of the infirmary.


Back at Valesz's quarters



I say “I was wondering Valesz I saw the dragon blade hanging in the briefing room is there something special about that sword?”


Valesz responds “Actually yes there is how did you know ?”


I respond “Remember that dream that woke me up early this morning.”


Valesz says “Yes, I remember you waking up from a bad dream”


I say “That sword was part of the dream when I held the sword it glowed a bright Blue white”


She responds “That's not possible that sword hasn't glowed that bright since the great dragon wars over 10,000 years ago. It is told that only a great dragon leader can make that sword glow like that. The greater the leader the brighter it glows, it only glows a dim orange for me. But that was only a dream I still don't understand how you could even know that it glows at all that story is generally only told to dragons.”


Celer interrupts “Tell us more about this dream, it may not have been a dream at all but a glimps into the future, or at least a possible future.”


I respond “In short Jalad had killed everyone on the ship. I found him and you Valesz in the briefing room. I seen the fatal strike he gave you, you died in my arms then I took the sword from it's case and went after Jalad.”


Valesz “I still don't understand how you could have known about the sword.”


Celer responds “It is rare but unicorn do occasionally get glimpses into the future it is one of our powers but still undeveloped in evolutionary terms.”


Valesz responds “If you will excuse me for just a minute I will be right back.” and she heads out the door and quickly returns with the sword in her hand as she enters the room she says “Computer reduce lighting by fifty percent.”


The computer dims the lights, and we can see that the sword has a faint glow then she takes the sword by the blade and hands me the hilt of the sword. Just as in the dream the sword lights up the room with a bright blue white light …..



Katherine walks in behind Valesz and sits next to Lakia.


Valesz says “There is another story to go with the others, but before I mention it I want you to try and remember your dream and think hard about Jalad since he was the one in the dream. Then close your eyes and wield the sword like you did in your dream.”


I take the sword hold it tightly close my eyes and begin remembering the dream , I remember the part where I go into the briefing room and see Jalad plunging his blade into Valesz then I continue through the dream to where I break the case and pull out the sword and it begins to glow. I continue through the dream again now at the engine room . Remembering when Jalad lunges at me with his blade thinking back to the part when he killed Valesz in the dream I feel a rage building up inside of me, the blade glows even brighter then all of a sudden the blade burst into flames as I wield the blade I can hear the flames fluttering with the movement of the blade. I stop and open my eyes and the blade really is ablaze.


Valesz says “This blade will be with you until the day you die, or until you pass it down to to your progeny. Here is it's sheath wear it always. Well except in bed.”(everyone laughs) I take the sheath and sling it across my left shoulder then sheath the blade and the room goes dim.


Valesz says “Computer return lights to normal level.” the lights brighten.


I say “In my dream Jalad mentioned that the sword had only glowed for one other before me he said that is was Astarot that it shown for.”


Valesz replies “When my father gave me the sword he told me not to reveal the swords true history unless I found the person that it glowed brightly for. So the story I told was true but only to a point. It did glow for Astarot but only a bright red. Not at all like it does for you. This battle that you are about to start, I believe that you will win and regain freedom for the unicorn and the rest of Populated space. Now I told you that there was another story to go with the sword.”


I respond “yes”


Valesz continues “10,000 years ago during the dragon wars there was a dragon named Pendragon he led the revolt against the dragon leader of that time named Leviathan. Leviathan was a ruthless leader and would kill just for the shear pleasure of it. So when Pendragon found the Dragon Sword or should I say the sword found him, he began planning the revolt against Leviathan, just as the sword has now found you, it is your turn to make 10,000 years of peace.”


I reply “talk about the weight of the world on one mans shoulders , only this time its the weight of the galaxy. That story Pendragon was going after one dragon I am going after an entire armada.”


Valesz says “That is true but you will have all of Populated space behind you Pendragon only had a legion of dragons. I know that you can convince everyone to join the cause, something else when you walk into the the counsel chambers in the great hall... well do you remember how I treated Celer when I first found out who he was?”


I reply “Yes I remember.”


“You should expect that when you enter the chambers, once they realize that you now wield the dragon sword.”


I say “Okay, I will deal with that when the time comes we need to get back to the task at hand.”


I continue “We need to give the Mantis a target in space before they even get close to the planet so they don't realize that there are not any unicorns there.”


Celer responds “We have used an old tactic we would use a derelict ship in a given location and wait for the enemy to attack it.”


I respond “We are going to need more than one derelict ship, does anyone know where we might be able to find oh say a hundred or so ships?”


Valesz replies “That will take some work and a little time but I know of a few ship yards where we might be able to get maybe thirty to fifty ships from each they wont be much more then empty hulls though.”


I respond “That's all we need, decoys and if any of them can be made to run we can load them up with fighters so when the time comes the fighters can blast their way out and begin our assault.”


Katherine says “It sure would be nice if we had some kind of energy deflectors.”



I reply “You know I just might be able to make that happen too. I was in my final semester when one of my professors told me that he was working on a prototype energy field. That was 3 years ago , he just might have done it by now, I will have to contact him and find out.”


Valesz responds “Now would be a good time to do it. If he has finished his work we sure could use the technology.”


Valesz turns to Katherine and says “Will you unlock the array again for Paul to contact his professor.”


Katherine responds “Aye Captain, Computer release communication array lockout authorization doe beta 1 red.”


The computer responds “Communications unlocked” I say “Before we open communications Celer, Sigrun, Alkippe, and Dinos will you please exit to the bedroom for a few minutes.” as they enter the bedroom Kathrine says “Computer open secure link to..”



She pauses and looks at me and ask “Who are you trying to contact and what institution can he be found at?”


I reply “ Dr. Paul Simon at the space engineering academy.”


The computer replies “Com open” the viso screen lights up a beautiful brunet answers “Hello how may I help you. Oh who ever you are you just made my day.” with a big smile on her face.


I respond “I'm sorry, I forgot to put some clothes on.” she says “It's quite alright I like it, how may I help you Mr.?”


I reply “Paul Curtis, I need to speak to Dr. Paul Simon.”


She says “ I remember now I saw you on the viso screen the other night, pleased to make your acquaintance. But Dr. Simon is in lecture right now.” I respond “This is very important can you please patch me through.”


She replies “Hang on just a second I will see what I can do. The viso screen changes to the schools emblem (a dark blue background with a ship flying past Saturn.)


Valesz says “Do you want to cover up before you talk to the professor.” I respond “No this is space and humans will have to get use to this sooner or later. I know that it didn't take me long to get use to it”


Valesz responds “But your not like other humans are you.”


I reply “No but humans are one of a very few species that constantly wears clothes and since we are rapidly joining Populated Space we need to adapt to it not it to us, and contrary to popular belief humans are quite adaptable.”


Valesz responds “If they are anything like you I have to agree”


The screen switches back to the brunet. She says “He will speak with you. He told me to tell you that it will be in front of his class so be ready for that.”


I respond “Thank you and have a good day.” The screen switches to the classroom. There must be 100 college students in his lecture when they see me and my mates all naked the room fills with awes.


Dr Simon says “To what do we owe this honor of your contact. Mr. Curtis?”


I respond “Before I get to that I would like to say a few words to the class if I may.”


Dr. Simon replies “Go right ahead.”


I begin “Class as you see me now just as a few nights ago as you saw me in the fight and during the ceremonies. This is life in space most species don't wear clothes so this is something that you might want to get use to, unless you are stationed aboard a human ship. I hope that all of you make it out here and enjoy it as much as I have. Now back to the real reason that I called.”


Dr. Simon says “And that is?”


I respond “Do you remember telling me about a prototype that you were working on three years ago?”


Dr. Simon responds “Yes I remember, what about the deflectors. It's okay the class knows in fact most of the world knows.”


I respond “Have you got them in production yet?”


Dr. Simon responds “Yes about six months ago. We started productions with the new Tachyon drives there is enough power to run the deflectors, the problem then was the old Ion drives just couldn't produce enough power to run them, it would take an Ion drive running constantly at 150% to operate the Deflectors.”


I reply “Doc are you on a secure channel what I have to say from here out needs to be kept to a minimum.”


Dr. Simon replies “Hang on I will go into my office and transfer the com there.”


I reply “Thank you, and class good luck.” The class responds “Thank you.” the Viso screen switches to his office


Dr. Simon says “We are on a secure channel now why such secrecy?”


I reply “Doc have you heard of the Mantis”


He responds “Yes I have, the pirates of the galaxy.”


I say “Yes but not for much longer if I have anything to do with it. That is why I contacted you, I am going to need a lot of your deflectors.”


Simon replies “What do you mean a lot?”


I respond “How many can you produce in a days time”


He replies “In a days shift 500.”


I say “In that case we will need about 15 days worth running double shift.”


He replies “Your serious aren't you?”


I respond “Dead serious doc. I am about to start a war to rid the galaxy of the Mantis threat, and your deflectors would come in very useful.”


Doc responds “But there are not that many tachyon drive ships yet, how do you plan to power the deflectors with an Ion drive, we tried for almost 2 years to get an Ion drive to power the deflector. Its not possible”


I respond “Yes it is doc I have the engine on this ship running at 172% efficiency, and now that you have told me that the engines need to be at a minimum of 150% I have a base line to work with, over the next month I intend to have my upgrades going on any and every ship that I can get to join my cause.”


Dr. Simon ask “How fast can that ship go”


I respond “I will tell you but you must promise not to tell anyone else in fact this conversation never took place.”


Dr. Simon responds “You have my word.”


I say “We have had this ship up to 6.7xl but the engines ran a little hot so we have a set cruising speed of 6.5”


Doc replies “The new Tachyon drives don't go much faster than that they have a cruising speed of 7.0. I tell you what I will do since your cause seems to be just and I know that you need these deflectors I will make you a deal if you come to earth to pick up the deflectors and teach me how you made the Ion drives run at 172% I will give you all the deflectors you need.”


I reply “How interesting the student becoming the teacher.”


I look at Valesz and say “This is your ship I can not say where it is to go.”


She looks back at me and says “You know my love that we will do what it takes to complete this goal of yours. We should reach Vivus by tomorrow I think that we can be at Earth in 1 week after we finish with the counsel.”


I say “Thank you my love.” then I turn back to the screen and say “Expect us in about 10 days, the crew needs a little R and R before we begin our quest.” Doc ask “how are you going to convince the dragon counsel to agree to you little plan?” I respond “ I can't go into that over communications but when we reach earth you can learn the truth then.”


Dr. Simon responds “Very well then I will wait, until then safe journey.” The Viso screen goes blank once again.


Katherine says “Computer lockout communication's array outgoing authorization doe beta 1 red, now that all that is over the Doctor has a test that he can run to find a Mantis spy, he is going to begin testing on the samples that he already has in his lab, then he will call the rest of the crew in for testing.”


Valesz responds “Thank you Katherine.”


Valesz says “Computer open com to the bridge.”


The computer responds “Com open”


Snowy responds “Yes Captain?”


Valesz “Resume our previous course and speed”


Snowy Responds “Aye captain.”


Valesz “Computer end communication” and the screen goes blank again”


I call out to Celer and the others “It's safe to come back out now.” they all enter the main room Celer says “You show great restraint my friend.”


I reply “ What do you mean.” when you were talking to the female on the viso screen I could feel your arousal you want to fuck her.


I respond “How the hell.....”


Celer responds “Unicorns are telepathic to a degree with practice we can communicate but normally we only sense emotion, we try not to eavesdrop, but that feeling was a bit strong and hard to ignore.”


I respond “If you can read me do you think it is possible that I can do the same ?”


Celer responds “I don't know try and find out, but try it with one of the females they are usually a bit better at that form of communication than the males, Dinos try and focus on a peculiar thought to make it easier for Paul.”


She responds “Okay.” I try to focus on her and in an instant I get a flash of a memory and with it a flood of emotion it was a memory from last night when she was having an orgasm. My cock grew instantly feeling this emotion, and I say “So that is what an orgasm feels like for a female I never would have thought that they were quite that intense, thank you for sharing that with me”


Dinos says “Your welcome, I was trying to think of something that would be strong enough for you to pick up on, I guess that did the trick.”


Celer says “Yes I looks like it worked just fine now Dinos since you got him all excited why don't you help him with his problem.” then he whispers something in her ear “conscientia exercitatio”…..



Dinos stands up and walks up to me and begins kissing me she tries to probe my mouth with her tongue but my mouth just can't accept that much so I return the favor and begin probing her mouth with my tongue she quickly breaks the kiss and lowers herself in front of me and begins to lick my already firm cock she quickly engulfs my cock in her mouth then all of a sudden I start getting images and feelings from Dinos she is really enjoying sucking on my cock giving me pleasure (That's the easy part to deal with.) the images of her going down on me from her perspective is totally new to me but what the hell am I talking about this is all new to me only a few days ago I was a virgin now here I am getting fellatio from a unicorn.


She stops, she turns around and lifts her tail up and to the side so I have a perfect view of her beautiful pink pussy. She begins winking that pussy as if to say you better do something. She is still bent over so I drop to my knees and begin licking around her pussy teasing her. I get a sensation of just how much I am teasing her the feeling is quite overwhelming, so I continue my onslaught on her pussy and begin probing her with my tongue, licking and sucking on her and then another wave of feelings from her. I hear her say “Fuck me like the unicorn stud you are.” but I didn't actually hear her, it was to clear for that she had told me in thought only. So I try and concentrate and try and reply to her the same way “Yes, my sweet unicorn mare.”


She stops and turns her head towards me and says “I heard that.”


Celer says “Heard what?”


Dinos says “He spoke to me telepathically.”


Celer responds “Good now let's really test his abilities.”


Celer stands in front of Dinos his cock slightly poking out of it's captive sheath. Dinos quickly takes the head of his cock into her mouth. Then I hear “Fuck me you unicorn stud.” and she winks her pussy at me then I start getting more images and feelings from Dinos. She does enjoy sucking cock words can't begin to convey how much she enjoys it. The images, talk about a close up view of Celer's cock it is like I'm the one sucking him, but I know that's not possible that thing is huge and wouldn't fit into my mouth like it does hers. I finally get caught up and realize that she is still in front of me waiting for my cock. I decide to give her a few more licks first. I place my hands on her butt and bury my face deep into her sending my tongue as deep as I can go into her, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body witch she conveys directly to me. I almost cum with this wave of pleasure. So I stop for just a moment I position myself behind her guiding my hard cock to her wanting pussy. I rub it up and down her wet slit to get my cock wet and then she winks again squirting her lube allover me there is no doubt that my cock is now wet enough to easily enter her. I push in all the way burying myself in her. I never thought that she would be so tight but she winks and pushes me all the way out. Then I hear her say “Sorry I didn't mean to do that.” I send her the thought “It's okay my sweet.” She stops sucking on Celer for a moment she turns and smiles and quickly returns to her task in front of her. I guide myself back to her sweet pussy and push in again this time I hold on to her waist so that she can't push me out so easily. but the next time she winks she pulls me into her. I begin thrusting my cock in and out of her and she winks with my rhythm just as I bury my cock into her each time I feel her pulling me deeper into her with her winks.


Just as I begin to get accustomed to her winking on my cock, I start getting waves of pleasure but they are not coming from Dinos they are Celer's thoughts and feelings, with my pounding Dinos and now to feel Celer's orgasm building its almost maddening then I realize that my own orgasm is beginning to build, now I am getting waves of pleasure from Dinos too so now I am dealing with my own orgasm , Celer's orgasm and Dinos's orgasm and it pushes me way over the top I begin filling Dinos with my cum and the feelings only intensify with each flood of my cum its as if I can feel all 3 of us cumming at the same time it is totally indescribable. I collapse onto Dinos's back totally exhausted. After a minute I begin to regain a little strength and I begin to focus a thought for Dinos “ thank you my sweet unicorn mare , that was absolutely astonishing.” she responds “ I thought so to my little unicorn stud”


Celer says “ I don't believe it you made it all the way through the session, I'm very impressed, my first (“mind fuck if you will”) I made it to the second wink and it was all over for me. I don't think that anyone has ever gone as far as you just have on their first mind fuck, your control is very unique.”


Valesz ask “mind fuck? , what are your talking about?”


Celer responds when ever a unicorn begins to develop their mental abilities they are tested with a sexual situation, where they get flooded with feelings and emotions of all parties involved.”


Valesz responds “So he was feeling both of your sexual experiences while feeling his own”


Dinos replies “ that's exactly it. In time he may even develop his mental abilities to a point where he can share his feelings with you, but for now I'm afraid he will only be able to communicate with unicorns directly.”


I reply “What the hell I will give it a try it can't hurt. Valesz relax and clear your mind lay back and try to focus on me and only me.”


Valesz lays back and closes her eyes, I relax and begin to think of what me and the unicorns had just shared , quite to the point the last few seconds of intense emotion and feelings, while holding those thoughts I begin to focus on Valesz and then she lets out a scream and clutches the the cushions of the sofa then she opens her eyes .


I say “are you alright my love , I'm sorry I wont try that again.”


She says “I'm fine, fuck that was intense. That is what you just went through with the unicorns?”


I glance down and notice that her sweet juices are running down her tail. I waste no time and begin licking her clean I start at the bottom just before it begins dripping off of her tail and slowly lick my way up to her wet pussy.


Just as I begin to lick her pussy clean she stops me, and says “After that mind fuck I'm just a bit too sensitive for that just now.”


Celer says “Quite impressive, now would Lakia and Katherine like to try?”


They both respond with a bold “HELL YES!!!”


Celer says “Just sit back and relax, Valesz after your little mind fuck you might want to leave the room, I am going to try to get Paul to do this one a little different, unless you want to feel it again.”


Valesz responds “I think I will stay.”


Celer says “That's fine but I want you to sit farthest from Paul. Now Paul I want you to sit in the middle of Katherine and Lakia. Now you two, I want you to get ready for the most intense sexual feelings that you have ever had.”


Valesz says “He is not kidding, intense just doesn't describe it.”


Celer says “Now relax and just like Valesz did the first time clear your thoughts and focus on Paul. Paul now when you gave Valesz this thought you were thinking just of her this time I want you to try and think of all three. This might make it a little easier, think of a time when all three of you were in very close proximity. Now that you have that thought try and project the thought of our encounter.”


While he is telling me how and what to think of I remember the first time that we were all in bed together, the time that they were taking turns with me ravishing me, then I turn to the thought of the last few seconds of the mind fuck, and I unleash them. Lakia and Katherine both grab each of my legs and squeeze extremely tightly each begin drawing blood as they scream. While Valesz grabs a cushion and Lakia's leg she buries her claws into Lakia's leg. The pain instantly breaks my concentration and I realize what has happened. I say will one of you please call the Doc and have him bring a med kit quickly. Just then Valesz tries to pull her hand from Lakia's leg but Lakia screams in pain,


I say “Leave your hand there you might have punctured a blood vessel and we need the doc here for that. My wounds how ever are not that severe.” Lakia and Katherine both remove there hands and blood begins to run from the wounds in my legs.


Celer says “Relax Paul place your hands over the wounds, now this will take a bit more concentration than the mind link but I believe that you can do it. I want you to think of your legs just before we tried this. … relax, clear your mind now think of how your legs looked before.”


I do as he says I begin to relax and think of my legs before this happened. I begin to feel an intense heat filling my body for a second the wounds throb with pain but it soon subsides.


Celer says “ I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! , he actually did it.” and with hearing that I pass out.


Several hours later I wake up to find myself in bed with Valesz next to me. I think “Was it a dream?” Dinos was on the other side of me and she responds in thought “No sweet it was not a dream.”


This startles me and I quickly shift to see that Dinos was laying next to me as well, she says “ I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, it was just that you ask a question and I answered it.”


I think “It's okay, it's just that I hadn't realized that you were here as well and that question was to myself I wasn't expecting a response, lets continue communicating like this I don't want to wake Valesz just yet.


Dinos responds “That's fine by me.”


I think “Now what happened? The last thing I remember is Celer saying (“he actually did it”) what did I do?”


She responds “You healed yourself. Very few unicorn have reached that level of mental ability, and you did it on your first day of awareness.”


I ask in thought “What does this all mean?”


She responds “I have been thinking about that question for the last couple of hours myself and I can only come up with two possibility's either you are the next step in the evolutionary chain or you are a fluke, a freak of nature, either way I am glad that you are here.”


I respond “I am glad to be here too.”


She responds “There is something that you need to know but I am not going to tell you what , but I want you to feel my body with your mind, I know that you are still weak from the healing but I know that you can do it.”


I respond “What am I looking for?”


She replies “NO! you have to look on your own.”


I reply “Okay.” then I begin thinking about her body and begin scanning her something like a cat scan or an MRI would, I begin at the top of her head working my way down slowly it is as if I can see her insides , its quite remarkable actually .. as I continue working my way down I stop momentarily at her breast I notice some small changes looks like the glands there are beginning to swell slightly”


She ask me you see something interesting there?” as if I'm staring at her breast like I want to suck on them, so I continue my search working my way down I see that her heart is beginning to race a bit, she seems to be excited. I continue my scan I get to her stomach … could have done with out that picture I will spare you that description... I continue down a little further and there I see what she wanted me to find it is an embryo in the first stage of development. I place my hand over her belly where the womb is .


She says “I see that you found what I was talking about.”


I respond “Yes , I'm happy for you and Celer.”


She responds “This foal is not Celer's it's yours.”


I reply “Mine??? but it has only been a few hours how could you know.”


She responds “A mare knows almost instantly when she is pregnant, and don't worry about Celer he already knows and is quite happy about it. quite indirectly this is his child but it is only because you carry his DNA in you that makes this possible. In any case it is up to you to tell Valesz , Katherine and Lakia.”


I reply “I will tell them as soon as we all get together again.”



End Chapter 14

Editted by Admin Unic0rn69

Owner of FurrTrax

Instant Message
Post ID: 3407
Posted: 07-01-2024 23:34 PM
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Posted: 07-01-2024 23:34 PM

The system has a length limit on posts, but instead of kicking back and asking you to shorten the post, it just trims off the excess.


Instant Message
Post ID: 3408
Posted: 07-02-2024 03:42 AM
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Posted: 07-02-2024 03:42 AM

thus some chapters will have to be in multiple post. got it :)


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