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Forums » Video Game Discussion » Worst game yoi have ever played

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Forums » Video Game Discussion » Worst game yoi have ever played

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Post ID: 865
Posted: 01-10-2016 05:29 AM
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Posted: 01-10-2016 05:29 AM

E.T, it was a bet and my buddy actually made me play it on his atari... i lost the bet

They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life,
sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two.


Instant Message
Post ID: 1082
Posted: 03-11-2016 01:45 AM
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Posted: 03-11-2016 01:45 AM

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright. The game was really great and I loved it, right up to the ending which ruined the game entirely for me and made me hate it.

Rael Scion

Instant Message
Post ID: 1088
Posted: 03-13-2016 00:46 AM
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Posted: 03-13-2016 00:46 AM

DarkVoid.  "Freedom to fly anytime" the box said.  Half the levels, trying to walk was a death sentence.  The other half, trying to fly was a death sentence.  I beat the game in under 12 hours on normal but because I didn't get the chance to take it back to the used game store in time, I couldn't return it, only sell it back for a hideous hit to my wallet.  The story made next to no sense,  the graphics were mediocre.  I could go on but I'd rather not hulk out.


Instant Message
Post ID: 1273
Posted: 05-22-2016 23:44 PM
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Posted: 05-22-2016 23:44 PM

ET for the Atari...

I've seen some shit bro...


Instant Message
Post ID: 1277
Posted: 05-23-2016 07:21 AM
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Posted: 05-23-2016 07:21 AM
need for speed most wanted on gameboy advanced


Instant Message
Post ID: 1278
Posted: 05-23-2016 07:25 AM
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Posted: 05-23-2016 07:25 AM
need for speed most wanted on gameboy advanced


Instant Message
Post ID: 1283
Posted: 05-31-2016 08:39 AM
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Posted: 05-31-2016 08:39 AM

Aliens: Colonial Marines for Xbox 360


Instant Message
Post ID: 1296
Posted: 06-10-2016 19:37 PM
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Posted: 06-10-2016 19:37 PM
Rescue: the embassy mission on NES. Also, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I don't think Duke Nukem Forever was that bad.


Instant Message
Post ID: 1297
Posted: 06-11-2016 14:12 PM
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Posted: 06-11-2016 14:12 PM

Diablo 3

✧Draxx Azuki✧

Instant Message
Post ID: 1304
Posted: 06-20-2016 14:50 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-20-2016 14:50 PM

The worst game i have played was Simpsons Wrestiling on the Playstaiton 2... Yep, they didn't do to well with those Simpsons games

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