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Forums » Site Technical Issues » Instant Messaging is there interest in this

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Forums » Site Technical Issues » Instant Messaging is there interest in this
Adam The Forsaken

Instant Message
Post ID: 191
Posted: 06-15-2015 17:26 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-15-2015 17:26 PM
I would love this! I could more easily talk to specific people instead of waiting hours to get an email from them because they didn't get an instant notification of the message.

Shikaku Spark The Half Dragon

Instant Message
Post ID: 192
Posted: 06-15-2015 17:45 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-15-2015 17:45 PM

wohoo , i was one of the ones that was talking about this idea in another thread and various diff times , hopefully this comes to be . an Im would be much better since not always you can message asap with reg ft.


Instant Message
Post ID: 193
Posted: 06-15-2015 18:10 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-15-2015 18:10 PM
That would be wonderful!


Instant Message
Post ID: 194
Posted: 06-15-2015 19:10 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-15-2015 19:10 PM
It would be rather enjoyed, kik and other messaging things can be slightly temperamental.


Instant Message
Post ID: 195
Posted: 06-15-2015 21:34 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-15-2015 21:34 PM

I would love instant messaging on here

~Yola To The Fucking Hola!~

kitsune bloodwing

Instant Message
Post ID: 196
Posted: 06-16-2015 07:04 AM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-16-2015 07:04 AM


Instant Message
Post ID: 197
Posted: 06-16-2015 07:45 AM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-16-2015 07:45 AM

If you want to go back and read conversations those should be saved on your own hard drive not in any cloud system, where regardless of DX's skills could be accessed by anyone aka not just #masssurveillance if you think they've stopped you're crazy they'll just use another country to collect it for them as they all ready do in some cases. If they were saved in txt form or XML then the app could load them up on demand by year or month efficiently without needing to contact any cloud system other than to send/sync new messages, and encryption of the archives with a password that does not allow 1234 as a password would be a nice option perhaps something picture click based to unlock etc etc or what ever the standard is. -#idontknowanything But I'd prefer when I use something thats furry based that it works towards preventing troll hackers posting private furry conversations upto a year or more after they've been had on known DOX websites. Because in all realities at some point someone will get your stuff someway or another so the only safe guard is not to have anything in the first place to target.

Owner of FurrTrax

Instant Message
Post ID: 198
Posted: 06-16-2015 09:54 AM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-16-2015 09:54 AM » Editted: 06-16-2015 10:08 AM

Fesothe, This system is not stored on the Cloud, This is my own Physical Server System, there is no hosting company holding the master access, to which the government can subpoena records from, they would have to subpoena me directly, and im very scatter brained and files tend to get lost quite frequently, chances are whichever file they would like a copy of was accidentally deleted the day before i revieved the request.  these things happen, its a very large organization to maintain, we cant keep tabs on every file we have.


Cloud Storage refers to redundant, multi-homed, multi-housed server grids that have the information stored in many places so even if a group of systems fail it can never be lost.  FurrTrax is not on a Cloud System like this.  FurrTrax is on my own personal Server Systems, I OWN the Hardware, the Software, the Equipment personally, i built most of it, and purchased the rest out right.  I have my own section of Physical Space in the Datacenter in which i have Biometric Access to go in and maintain MYSELF.

I dont call up the Datacenter and say, oh can you upgrade my RAMZ, or put in a new Hard Drive?!?!

I Drive my car down to the Datacenter, Go through security, then a Badge and Pin Code Door, and finally a Retina Scan Door, and then my servers are still protected by a Combination PadLock on the door to the cage itself.  Not to mention, the servers are registered NOT as FurrTrax but as my Org name, so good luck with a paper trail for them to be found too awfully easily.  An IP Trace you say, o well cloudflare blocks that, so an IP Geolocation will take you to Cloudflares datacenter, not mine ;)

Only 2 people have ever gone with me to the DataCenter, and only one of them has been inside the security zone to actually see the servers, that was Kovu, Admin Number 2, who helped me re-arrange some equipment since my back injury was flaring up.  Not even Kovu can go into the Security zone without my escourting them as im the one who holds the security clearence.

Editted by Admin DarkXander

Caleb the Cat-boy

Instant Message
Post ID: 235
Posted: 06-17-2015 10:25 AM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-17-2015 10:25 AM


Instant Message
Post ID: 238
Posted: 06-17-2015 14:29 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 06-17-2015 14:29 PM
I'd be down to use it!

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