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Anithian Legends Arc 1: False Utopia Posted by: Femmefoxboy at 08-26-2014 07:55 AM, Last Modified 08-26-2014 07:55 AM
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Anithian Legends
Arc 1: False Utopia

"...and even if I were to find out that this was all a lie, it wouldn't matter anyway, it's too late to turn back now."

Prologue: Wandering Darkness

Long ago our world was just a blank page in the book of life, the goddess, Amatersu, took up her celestial pen and drew our world and everything in it with the ink of creation. Thus our planet, Anithos, and our people, the Fuerrirs came into being. Our lives were one of peace, prosperity, and cooperation That is, until our goddess' brother, Hatin, grew jealous of his sister's creations and snatched the book of life. In it he drew his own creations, but they came out twisted and evil. Thus the Shadi were born. The Shadi seek to claim our world as their own and will stop at nothing to envelope our planet in unending darkness. Now our numbers are low, and we are forced to live secluded in small dome encased colonies. The darkness grows ever closer, and soon I fear there will be no more need for this book as there will be no more need for us...

"Please... Somebody... Anybody... Send help. I don't know how much longer we can hold out against this unrelenting onslaught.... Amatersu... Please... If you can hear my cry and really do care for your children... Send help... We need... A hero."

A young anthropomorphic tiger-fox lays on his back out in a fairly empty field near a forest, he appears to be unconscious. He seems to be around the age of fourteen and stands about four foot five inches. He is orange furred with a yellow-white underbelly and tail tip, body is covered in dark brown stripes, arms and legs have brown "Socks" on them, ears, arms and legs have three stripes on each side alternating sides, tail has four in each side, tips of ears are black as well as the tip of a fur spike on his head, he has three stripes connected on each side of his Face. His paws, inner ears and nose are a bright almost blushing pink, and his claws, when out are black. He is wearing a silver chain with a wooden arrow head on it, a torn shirt and pants with several holes in them and old worn shoes that appear as they are about to fall apart at any second. A single blue Crystal Fang hangs out of hid mouth, glowing softly. His bright almost, glowing, soft, green eyes slowly open as he comes to, his surroundings blurred as well as his vision. All he can make out is blue, green and a bit of a yellow figure. A young boy's voice speaks out to him, "...ey... ou.. k?" but his ears still ring and his head is pounds and throbs. "Where am I, and who am I? What happened before now?" All of these questions flood his mind with no answer to be heard. His vision begins to clear and he can start to make out a clear blue sky, a long green field at the edge of a forest and a yellow and orange striped Kitten standing over him. The Kitten appears to be very young at most maybe eight years old, his fur is a soft golden yellow with orange stripes covering his body, his eyes are a bright soulful blue, and he is wearing a White T-shirt, red shorts, black sneakers and a blue baseball cap. His voice is youthful, yet raspy. "Hey, Mister! Are you ok?" He calls out concerned. The Tigox managed to weakly stand, his body felt battered and sore as if he had just been in a huge fight. "Y-Yeah... I'm ok... kid." He spoke in his soft slightly high-pitched voice, trying to catch his breath. "Thank the goddess! You were laying there not moving at all, I was really worried! Most Fuerrirs wouldn't survive a fall like that, let alone a Vulpin Such as yourself!" The Kitten exclaimed. The Tigox sat up, and stared in slight confusion. "I... Fell? From where?" He looked around to see if there was a tall tree or building he could've fallen from. "You really don't know? Well, I suppose it is rather odd that you fell right out of the sky..." The kitten stated with a rather puzzled look about him. "Th-the sky?! You mean up, like, there the sky?!" The Tigox exclaimed, pointing upward. The kitten nodded slowly. "You're funny, mister. Just who are you anyway?" The kitten asked. "Who... am I?" The Tigox thought on this for a moment. "That's right! I... I'm... Gaaah!" His ears rang loudly and his head pulsed and throbbed. He fell to his knees, clutching his head and his eyes shut tightly. "...Kyten!" Suddenly a strangely familiar yet unidentifiable voice rang out in his head. "K-Kyten? Th-that's... my name. I'm... Kyten." The kitten gave a small smile. "I'm Soza!" He said helping the Tigox to his feet. Suddenly Soza froze as there was a loud rustling close behind. Soza took Kyten's hand. "Hurry, run! Follow me and don't look back!" He said pulling Kyten close behind. Kyten had no idea as to what was going on, and he had every urge to look back to see what had frightened Soza so terribly, but he fought them back, knowing it was best to heed the kitten's words. ......

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