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The Wildflower Vixen Posted by: Femmefoxboy at 07-16-2014 14:13 PM, Last Modified 07-16-2014 15:45 PM
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The big day, A concert. The Tiger-fox stepped out on the stage not as Kyten Fokz, but as Wave Kitzuna, The Stunning Femboy Anithian Pop Diva. He began to sing. The crowd cheers. Then... he noticed her. Out of all the faces in the croud, He picked it out instantly. That golden yellow-orange fur, those flowing brown locks, and those soulful bright green eyes. He nearly missed his line in the song, but he regain composure and finished the concert. After which, he quickly rushed to catch up to the vixen. "Hey! I didn't expect to see you here!" The Tigox exclaimed. She shrugged. "I was... around so I thought I'd see what all the fuss was about." He thought for a moment. "Hey... How about I show you around town since you're here?" The Vixen seemed surprised but in the same sense expectant at the Tigox's offer. "That sounds nice." he led her to a nearby ice cream parlor. "You've gotta try the local specialty!" The vixen began to pull out her wallet. He bowed. "No allow me." He bought two Keppa Cones and handed the vixen one, before the tigox could warn her of it's intensely sour then sweet flavor, the small cone vanished in a instant. What followed next was too funny for words. Her face twisted and puckered in a display of shock, surprise, and disgust. The cute tigox couldn't help but cover his mouth and giggle a bit at the beautiful vixen's display of utter shock at the sudden rush of horridly sour then soothingly sweet flavor. "What was that?!" The Tigox managed to compose hisself. "I was gonna warn you, but you should've seen your face!" Much to his surprise the vixen began to laugh as well. "C'mon there's one more thing I've gotta show you." He lead her a ways out of the city to a largest hill with a single tree atop. The tigox sat down and the vixen beside him. "This is my favorite place to come when I'm feeling down. The sky's always so breathtakingly beautiful from here. Coming here is uplifting, it cheers me up just being here." The sun began to set, and the tigox hadn't noticed but at some point the vixen had scooted closer and layed her head on his shoulder, he subtlety sweet scent filling his nose. He blushed lightly and smiled. Eventually the vixen ended up laying her head in the tigox's lap as they silently watched the sun set. Helooked down briefly, she had fallen asleep, and he, too, began to drift off.
. . .
It was a rather rainy day, not too heavy but just enough to soak you if you stayed out too long. The vixen stretched and yawned, the looked over at the tigox she had been sharing a place to stay with. He snored softly and twitched in his sleep as if chasing something. The vixen couldn't help but giggle at this. She softly nuzzled him, gently stirring him from his sleep. "Good Morning, Ky-Ky" She said as the he began to sit up. "Good morning... Yaso-chi!" The tigox said as he yawned. His heart fluttered, the vixen had, at some point, left her room and slept at his side. "What're you doing in here?" The tigox asked shyly. "I... got scared of the thunder and lightening so... I came in here with you." She replied. "Well... It was nice, you can lay beside me anytime you need to." The tigox got up, the long shirt he only wore that night barely reaching his knees. The vixen quickly averted her gaze from the quite femme tigox. After all she didn't think of him in that way. She couldn't, not anytime soon atleast. "I'm going to go get a shower." She said. He only nodded and rummaged through his closet, still mostly asleep. She wandered through the house, befor heading into the bathroom. It was a nice place for a tree house. There was a rather loud crashing noise followed by a squeal. All of the clothes in the tigox's closet had somehow collapsed on him again as usual . He look outside. "Rain, huh? ...There goes the trip to the beach..." He put on an open vest and sleek black pants, then walked to the kitchen. As he walked by the bathroom he heard the water start. If he acted quickly, he could make his... what was she to him? He really didn't know. He cared for the vixen and was very fond of her, that much was sure. A surprise breakfast, that's what he'd do. He began to mix the batter and turn on the waffle press. The tigox sang softly as he cooked. He enjoyed cooking, it made him feel meaningful. But... he enjoyed cooking for her even more. That sweet vixen... did something to him. Just the thought of her made the tigox's heart race and took his breath away. She made him feel special, like he was wanted, needed. It made him realize he was important, too. The Vixen gracefully walked into the room, her nose in the air, catching the appeasing wafflely aroma that wafted throughout the air. "Waffles!" She exclaimed excitedly. She rushed over and hugged him. The Vixen enjoyed his cooking, no matter what he made but... it thrilled her when the tigox made her favorite foods. He returned her embrace, a part of him wished it would never end, that she could keep on hugging
him with her warming embrace forever. They sat down together and enjoyed breakfast in silence, an occasional moment where their eyes meet followed by deep blushing would occur, but nothing was said until the vixen broke the silence. "So... what're we gonna do today?" Her honey-sweet voice pierced the thick silence. The tigox thought on this for a moment, then nuzzled her. "A walk in the rain sounds lovely." He then replied.
. . .
They got home late that evening. Not so late that it had become dark, but just late enough to see the last bit of the sunset. The tigox lowered his ears and gave the vixen a sad look. "I... guess this means you've gotta go home now, huh?" She looked at him, silent for a moment, then she. began to speak. "Well... I was looking for a place to stay closer to town anyway so... I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay here a while longer... That is, if you'll have me?" His eyes lit up and he swiftly hugged her tightly. "Oh, undoubtedly yes!" He exclaimed gleefully. She smiled and returned his hug before saying. "We've had a long day, we should probably get inside." The tigox gave her a swift and gentle kiss on the cheek causing the vixen to blush before unlocking the door to the treehouse. They quickly entered, each changed out of thier wet clothes from the earlier stroll through the rain, and the Tigox began to cook dinner. "What yummy dish are you making tonite?" The vixen inquired cutely. "My Taco-whatever-thingy!" He proclaimed proudly. "Taco... whatever... thingy?" She asked tilting her head in confusion. "Yep! It's got taco meat, cheese, tortillas, refried beans, and crescent rolls!" The tigox stated. The vixen was still a bit lost, but, as long as it tasted good, she really didn't mind what he called it. She sat on the couch and turned a movie on the TV as the little tigox hurriedly rushed around the kitchen, chopping, frying, mixing, and baking dinner to perfection. A little over half-an-hour passed when the tigox finally brought a plate to the vixen. "Here you are, M'lady!" He handed her the plate, and sat with his own. The dish was a surprisingly smooth melody of blending savory flavors that causing the mouth to tingle and nearly overload with shear flavorful joy. "Wow! This has to be the best thing you've made so far!" The vixen managed to exclaim, while scarfing down her dinner gleefully. The tigox giggled then said: "I'm glad you like it, it's my specialty!" They finished their dinner, the he lead her upstairs. "C'mon! There's something I've gotta show you!" He lead her to a large room, with an impressively large window that had almost a crystal-clear veiw of the sky. The tigox giggled and layed out some extra soft blankets on the floor. "Now we can watch the stars without getting all wet!" The vixen smiled and said. He nodded and they layed down and watched the stars, snuggled closely. "Hey... Um... There... There's something.... I... really want to tell you..." The Tigox nervously broke the silence."Yes? What is it?" The vixen asked, slightly concerned. "Well... I... I... sorta wanna tell you... that... that I... might sorta..." A loud boom of thunder suddenly cut him off, and he quickly jumped into her arms, shaking. She held and comforted him and a small while after he had calmed down, the vixen asked: "Now... What was it you needed to say?" But there was no response save for soft snoring, the tigox had fallen asleep nestled in her arms. She smiled at him, and she fell asleep, still holding him.......

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