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The Cages We Build Ourselves Posted by: Jayce Silence Rebel at 07-26-2017 19:43 PM, Last Modified 07-26-2017 19:43 PM
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It is amazing the cages we build for ourselves. They are not cages of steel or wood, but cages of mind and belief, which trap us all the same. We do not even realize we are building them around ourselves until something comes along to rattle the bars and show us just how trapped We’ve become. Let’s look at the cage of our lives bar by bar.

One is placed there when we are born, the teachings of our parents that guide our beginning years and steer us towards what they held as belief; these are also bars from their own cage they give to us to start ours. As we grow in life and knowledge we add bars to our cages; we add the bars of school, the foundation of our understandings of life. The bars we are given from school replace the windows of imagination we look out of when We are younger and our dreams are what guide us. We are told that we can be anything we can imagine and then we are caged into only being what others imagine for us. How many people wanted to be princess astronauts, or ninja cowboys? It is amazing the places our imaginations can take us, the vistas we can explore and the lives we can live all outside of the cages others wish us to live within. We do not lose that imagination until we are taught that the things we imagine can never be. We cannot be princess astronauts, nor can we be ninja cowboys because how will we pay the bills? How will we support a family, or even just ourselves?

We add more bars to our prisons with every bit of knowledge we are fed and it becomes harder to see out of the window of imagination because of the bars in the way. As we get older more bars are given to us by others in the form of their words and deeds, but there are some that help to remove bars with their love of life and imagination. If you are lucky you will find more of the latter than the first.

Then one day we find our first love, this person will rip away many bars from your cage with how they make you feel and, if you are lucky, they will join their cage with yours and you will no longer be alone behind bars of experience and knowledge. If you are not so lucky, when they leave, you will build, and hide behind, larger bars you build to protect yourself from the feelings that remain behind when they left. The longer we live, the more the bars change. Some people add bars, others take bars away and some you cement into place yourself. There are bars of things people tell you that you should want and need, the bars of ownership; not of your ownership over them, but their ownership over you.

Then one morning you awake to realize you are trapped in a cage with bars you can no longer see through. You spend a day working a job you really do not care about, to be paid money to buy things you really do not need. You attempt to pry the bars apart with ‘things’ in the vain hope that they will allow you to see the outside world of imagination again. My question to you is this. All cages have doors, and all doors have a lock. Is the lock on the door of your cage facing out, or is ‘it facing in? Who can ultimately free you from your cage?


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