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Nonexistent Posted by: Driana Le Souris at 04-12-2017 15:38 PM, Last Modified 04-12-2017 15:38 PM
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Time used to be nonexistent.
Until the tick tock became louder every minute.
I used to think I would never settle.
Yet, here I was waking up every day by your side.

I used to think the nights we laid there, were never going to be the hardest.
I used to think the nights we laid there, were never going to be the thoughts that drowned us.
I used to think the nights we laid there, were never going to be the ones that hurt the most.

Time used to be circular.
Time used to be nonexistent.
Time has become linear.
The tick tock became louder every passing minute.

I used to think I wouldn’t beg.
Now I’m here on my knees..
Begging once more.
Begging to know.. If you really ever cared.

I used to think I would never settle.
I used to think I would never find that one perfect girl.
I used to think I would never stop waking up every day by your side.
I used to think I would never be so foolish to lose you to them games.

Time used to be a factor in silence.
Time used to be silence in the dark.
Time used to be darkness in the empty hole.
Time used to be so promising but now I have a missing heart.

Time used to be nonexistent.
Until the tick tock became louder every minute.
I used to think I would never settle.
Yet, here I was waking up every day without your smile.

Can we stay here, you and I?
Can we stay here in frozen time?
Can we stay here if we rewind the time?
Can we stay here, you and I?

I used to think I would never reach over and find an empty bed.
I used to think I would never walk into an empty house.
I used to think I would never call your name and get no answer.
I used to think I would never walk around to find my missing heart.

Time used to be a factor in silence.
Time used to be silence in the dark.
Time used to be darkness in what I thought was love.
Time used to be the key to my heart.

I used to think the nights we laid there, were going to be our final moments.
I used to think the nights we laid there, were going to be what stop the world.
I used to think the nights we laid there, were going to be memories we shared.
I used to think the nights we laid there, were going to be you and I.

Time used to be circular.
Time used to be nonexistent.
Time has become linear.
The tick tock became draining every passing minute.

I used to think I wouldn’t beg.
Now I’m here on my knees..
Begging once more.
Begging to know.. If you will ever return?

Can I just see you one more time?
Can I game with you one more time?
Can I call you one more time?
Can I ask you to come home one more time?

Now the time has passed and I no longer care.
Now the time has passed and I no longer beg.
Now the time has passed and I no longer ask for you.
Now the time has passed and I still mend my heart.

Written for Mr. Psycho.
Written by Driana Le Souris.

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Zero Meow Morozzi: Very telling and a solid concept. Bravo!! Nya

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