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The Origins of the Stock Trader Posted by: Eman Reyalp at 01-26-2016 13:49 PM, Last Modified 01-26-2016 13:49 PM
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Eman Reyalp's full name is Eman Uberpelzigsohn Magnus Pellicus Reyalp y Del Alborotadores. He was born to a father named Sarif Uberpelzigsohn Reyalp (himself born to Luxuria Magna Pellicus, an engineer; and Taurin Reyalp, a mathematician and psychologist), a businessman; and Marianna Del Alborotadores y Rodriguez (herself born to Calliento Del Alborotadores, a pro wrestler for WWE; and Callista Rodriguez, a boxing champion), an MMA fighter. His father was left early on with a choice between raising his son properly, and keeping his multi-billion-dollar business empire from falling to pieces. His mother had to choose between her career (and another possible tournament win) and her child. They went with raising the child, making sure to hold onto enough money to give him a happy childhood. His father taught him things in his teens that most people only know when they get master's degrees. His mother trained him in every martial art she could. However, there were bullies at his school, all with parents far wealthier than his. They would do things to him that make the bullies in a Stephen King novel look like what Republicans pretend bullies are like in comparison, and then use their parents' personal lawyers to get away scott-free. Even though he could fight back the whole time, he was rather reluctant to hurt anything on purpose. One day, however, when he was 16, he came home to see that his parents have been killed in cold blood by the father of one of the bullies. That unleashed something he nowadays keeps well under control (most of the time), and he killed the man in one blow. Rather than going to an orphanage or foster home, he took the money his parents had left, and invested it wisely. Before he was 18, he turned the $10K he had from his parents into a net worth of $1.2 million. Thus, he started his own investment firm, ReyalpCorp. He also designed equipment and weapons to defend himself, knowing full well that he made enemies the way that Activision makes COD games: quickly, unpleasantly, and with a displeasing end result consistently. He also became a vigilante-for-hire, being paid by the LAPD to defend the city.......

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