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Keeree the Ocelot's Fursona Avatar
Name:Keeree the Ocelot in Portland, OR Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:11700
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:5053
Distance: Miles
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SecondLife Name:aerin.thymus
XBOX Gamertag:Aerin Lenrith

Future Space for Blogs

🐶 Half-Note 🐶: ''Starts staring you down'' 3641 days ago
🐶 Half-Note 🐶: 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a view war! :o 3643.5 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Wop! 3643.5 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Wop! 3643.5 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall virginity I have taken it 3643.6 days ago

About Me:
I'm an ocelot called Keeree! Bet you never guessed that...

A friend forced me to try this out... To be honest, I'm not expecting much. Honestly what I'm mainly looking for right now are friends. Gaming buddies would be awesome to have, though my taste in games leans more towards coop and indie. A relationship is easily possible, but that's down the road a ways...

If that's your goal, though, here's the important parts, neatly summerized!
I'm 5'10", and last weighed 158 lbs.
Monogamous to the extreme
Long distant okay, with some caveats we can discuss, one of which is intent for one of us to move within around a year.
Dominant, strongly prefer to top, but don't mind pleasuring as well.
Drink on occasion.
Don't smoke, prefer the same.
Work night shift 40 hours a week.
INTP: Emotions are there, but hard for me to understand /what/ they are. Let alone express.
I act young for my age
I feel much older than my age
I love showing off all sorts of pictures of myself... Basically to anyone who asks.

For everyone:
I have a massive interest in computers... I'm working on hacking Z80 support into LLVM. And that went over everyone's head... Basically there's almost no limit to my curiosity with them and there's little I haven't at least dabbled in.

This is a text wall. It needs ended. I'll use LOLCODE for this....


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