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Raven's Fursona Avatar
Name:Raven in Jackson Offline
Species:Raven Human hybrid
Relationship:Rather Not Say

Emo Furrs
Member ID:11681
Last Active:10-08-2020 14:16 PM
Profile Views:4004
Distance: Miles
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Future Space for Blogs

Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3363 days ago

About Me:
Hi i'm Raven, I'm here to make friends and talk to people so don't feel shy to message me.

~~Real Me~~
I'm really shy in person. I usually keep to myself. I'm really into reading and cooking. I don't have many friends but the friends i do have i love a lot. I'm very sweet and kind when you get to know me.

Raven used to be a normal girl from a small town in washington. Her parents died and she was left to be an orphan at a very young age. She was sent to many homes and was abused often. She learned to care less and less about the world. Until one family adopted her. They experimented on her. One of their experiments went terribly wrong and they accidentally fused here with a raven. She was very weak after and they thought she was going to die. surprisingly the blood of the raven and her blood fused perfectly and she was then able to have the instincts of a raven while still being a normal human.

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